Boston University School of Law

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Boston University School of Law

Über Boston University School of Law

Founded in 1872, Boston University School of Law is a top-tier law school with a faculty recognized nationally for exceptional teaching and preeminent scholarship. Students explore virtually any area of the law in 200+ classes and seminars offered during their JD degree, one of five LLM degrees, or one of 17 dual degrees.

With the support of a global network of nearly 24,000 alumni and robust professional development services, BU Law graduates achieve remarkable career success. BU Law is located in the heart of Boston and housed in the ultra-modern Sumner M. Redstone Building and Law Tower.


  • Allgemeines Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Bank- und Finanzrecht
  • Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Geistiges Eigentum (IP)
  • Steuerrecht


  • Fernstudium
  • Teilzeit
  • Vollzeit


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Number of professors

(fall 2019)


Number of students

Professor-student ratio


Sehr geringSehr hoch



Ranking & Awards

US News and World Report
#23 Law School (2019)
#4 Health Law Program (2019)
#8 Intellectual Property Law Program (2019)

Princeton Review
#10 Best Professors (2019)

LLM Guide
Top 10 LLM Program for Banking/Finance/Securities Law - Graduate Program in Banking & Financial Law (2019)
Top 10 LLM Program for US Tax Law - Graduate Program in Taxation (2019)
Top 10 Online and Hybrid LL.M.s – Executive LLM in International Business Law (2019)

Notable Alumni

Edward Brooke
LLB 1948, LLM 1949, Attorney General of Massachusetts; first African American elected to the Senate by popular vote; one of only five African Americans to serve in the US Senate; awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Barbara Jordan
LL.B. 1959, first African-American woman elected to the U.S. Congress from a southern state, awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1994, first woman to deliver a keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in 1976.

David E. Kelley
David Edward Kelley (born April 4, 1956) is an American television writer and producer, known as the creator of e.g. Ally McBeal, Big Little Lias, as well as several films.

Martha Coakley
JD 1979, Massachusetts Attorney General (2007–2015), District Attorney for Middlesex County, Massachusetts (1999-2007).

Gary Locke
JD 1975, United States Secretary of Commerce, Governor of Washington, and the first Asian-American governor in the mainland U.S.

Reowned professors

William Park
– Professor of Law –
Teaches in the area of international business law. The President of the London Court of International Arbitration and General Editor of Arbitration International, President George W. Bush appointed Park to the Panel of Arbitrators for the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispute. In his honor, Oxford University Press named its annual prize for arbitration scholarship, “The Rusty Park Prize in International Arbitration.”

Tamar Frankel
– Professor of Law –
Professor Frankel writes and teaches in the areas of fiduciary law, corporate governance, mutual funds and the regulation of the financial system.In 2013, the Institute for Fiduciary Standard established the annual Frankel Fiduciary Prize in her honor to award individuals who advance fiduciary principles. WealthManagerWeb has named her among the 50 Top Women in Wealth Management. In addition, she was noted as one of the most well-known 500 lawyers on Lawdragon, and as one of the Women Trailblazers in the Law by the ABA Commission project on Women in the Profession. In 1998, Professor Frankel was instrumental in establishing and designing the corporate structure of the Internet Corporation for Names and Numbers (ICANN).

Wendy Gordon
– Professor of Law -
Her scholarship utilizes economics as well as ethics and analytic philosophy to understand copyright, trademark, and related forms of intellectual property. She serves on the editorial board of the European Journal of Law and Economics. The US Supreme Court has three times cited her scholarship. She has received a Fulbright scholar, was elected by Oxford’s St. John’s College to a Visiting Senior Research Fellowship, and was selected as a resident at the Rockefeller Foundation retreat in Bellagio. She has twice served as the Chair of the Association of American Law Schools Section on Intellectual Property.


Program type

full time

part time

distance learning

Degree to be obtained


  • in American Law
  • in Banking & Financial Law
  • in Taxation
  • in International Business Law
  • in Intellectual Property Law


  • Banking & Finance Law
  • Business Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Tax Law
  • U.S. Law


Winter term

Start: January

Summer term

Start: May


  • BU Law is one of the three founding law schools of the annual Tax Attorney Recruiting Event (TARE).
  • BU Law is one of a select few law schools to have its students invited to the International Student Interview Program (ISIP) each year.

Student profile

BU Law attracts diverse, energetic and academically motivated students for our five LLM programs.
For our specialized LLM programs, we are looking for students with interest and/or experience in the subject area being covered in that program, while our „General LLM“ (LLM in American Law) is perfect for students seeking to explore wide-ranging interests.

Average starting salary

Because a significant percentage of our graduates return to their home country following graduation, we do not track this.

Semester break

Two semesters. There is a month-long break between the fall and spring semesters.


  • LL.M. in American Law - fall
  • LL.M. in Banking & Financial Law - fall and spring
  • LL.M. in taxation - fall, spring and summer (online option-only)
  • LL.M. in International Business Law - fall, spring and summer (all-online)
  • LL.M. in Intellectual Property Law - fall

Language of instructions

English is the exclusive language of instruction.

Kosten und Finanzierung


Tuition fees ($)

Per-academic year tuition (2020-2021): $57,650
Mandatory fees: $1,312

Cost of living

Room and Board ($)
Transportation ($)
Personal Expenses ($)

Grants & scholarships

Each year Boston University School of Law acknowledges a small number of LLM applicants who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement through the LLM Scholars Program.

Acknowledgement includes a generous scholarship award and designation as an LLM Scholar.

All applicants for admission are automatically considered for this merit scholarship; no separate application is required.



Deadlines are available on our website, and are dependant on the semester applied for, and the visa status of the applicant. Applicants should visit our website for full details on the admissions process.

→ More Information

Admission Requirement

Academic qualification – A first degree in law is required of all applicants.

For non-native English speakers, we require a TOEFL score of 100 or greater, or an IELTS score of 7.0 or greater.

Course Page

You can find all our LL.M. degrees on this course page.


Student facts

While BU Law attracts students that have achieved academically in their careers, we also attract a cohort of students that support one another through their studies, and are not in cutthroat competition with each other.

International students

BU Law proudly welcomes international students from more than 30 countries each year. The top sources of students for us include Thailand, China, Taiwan, Switzerland, Colombia, France, Saudi Arabia, India and Germany.

Study location

Boston University School of Law is located in the heart of Boston, MA, in the Fenway/Kenmore neighborhood, just minutes from historic Fenway Park.


BU Law has limited on-campus housing opportunities. The vast majority of BU Law students live in the student-friendly neighborhoods in nearby Brookline, Allston and Brighton.

Club & Society

Reflecting the diverse interests of our students, the School of Law supports more than 30 student organizations. Boston University as as whole has more than 450 student groups on campus.

Leisure activities

Boston is a mecca for students, with nearly any leisure activity students are interested in, available to them.

The Boston University campus features a world-class recreational facility in its Fitness & Recreation Center which among other things, boasts an 18,000-square-foot weight and cardio room, several full-court hardwood basketball courts, a 1/7 mile indoor running track, a climbing wall, a Pro Shop, racquetball and squash courts, two swimming pools, and the lazy river.

Support for parents/disabled people

BU has a full-featured Office of Disability Services, and Family Resources department.


BU Law Alumni network boasts more than 24,000 living members

Ratio female/male students


Average age

Programs differ, but on average students are in their late twenties.