Católica Global School of Law

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Católica Global School of Law

Über Católica Global School of Law

Católica Global School of Law (CGSL) offers three LL.M. programmes:

Established in 2009, Católica Global School of Law has since become the epicenter of Universidade Católica Portuguesa's growing focus on transnational legal education. Based in Lisbon – a geographical and strategic bridge between Europe and the United States –, Católica Global School of Law was created with the fundamental purpose of preparing future generations of lawyers to practise in the context of multiple jurisdictions and diverse legal sources

Since its foundation, Católica Global School of Law has been successful in achieving a number of goals. It has attracted remarkable groups of scholars, both resident and visiting, and cohorts of graduate students from more than 65 different nationalities, both coming from prestigious law schools from all over the world. 

Católica offers three cutting-edge LL.M. programmes and a Master in Transnational Law, which prepare students to become skilled practitioners in today’s global economy.

The quality of these programmes was consistently recognized by the Financial Times for many years, which has selected Católica Global School of Law as one of the most innovative law schools in the world. Its LL.M. programmes have also been ranked among the best in Western Europe and the world by Eduniversal.

Overall, Católica Global School of Law has managed to rapidly become a crucial center of legal teaching and research in Continental Europe, having been a founding member of the Law Schools Global League and having recently joined the European Law School Network.


  • Allgemeines Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Bank- und Finanzrecht
  • Datenschutzrecht
  • Digitalisierung
  • Environmental Social Governance (ESG)
  • Europarecht
  • Gesellschaftsrecht/Corporate und M&A
  • Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Geistiges Eigentum (IP)
  • Handelsrecht
  • Informationstechnologie (IT)
  • Internationales Recht
  • Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Kartellrecht und Außenhandel
  • Legal Tech
  • Litigation und Arbitration
  • Marken- und Wettbewerbsrecht
  • Migrationsrecht / Asylrecht
  • Öffentliches Recht
  • Patentrecht
  • Rechtsvergleichung
  • Sportrecht
  • Steuerrecht
  • Umweltrecht
  • Urheber- und Medienrecht
  • Verbraucherrecht
  • Verfassungsrecht
  • Vertragsrecht
  • Verwaltungsrecht
  • Völkerrecht


  • Teilzeit
  • Vollzeit


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Admissions Office



Number of professors


Number of students

Per program

Ranking & Awards

Católica Global School of Law's LL.M. programmes recognized by Eduniversal

Católica Global School of Law featured by the Financial Times 

CGSL consolidated its position among the world’s most innovative Law Schools.

We are proud to inform that, for several years in a row and while the ranking was active, the Financial Times featured Católica Global School of Law as one of the world’s most innovative law school, referring to it as an absolute pioneer in teaching and research of transnational law.

Católica Global School of Law’s LL.M. (Master of Laws) was included for several years in a row among a select group that included only 15 schools in continental Europe. In the article “International Law: legal studies in a globalized era”, the Financial Times features Católica Global School of Law, whose mission is to develop the teaching and research of the transnational dimensions of law.

With 14 years of existence, Católica Global School of Law was one of the first global law schools in Europe and has been developing a strategy of training professionals for sophisticated, international legal practice. Its foundation is the idea that the lawyer of the future will be a cosmopolitan rather than a domestic lawyer. It is seen internationally as one of the institutions that contribute the most to innovation in legal teaching and it is developing partnerships with the world’s leading faculties (e.g. the double-degree with King’s College London).

Renowned professors

  • Joseph Weiler (NYU)
  • Miguel Poiares Maduro (Católica)
  • Neil Walker (Edinburgh)
  • Mattias Kumm (NYU, Humboldt)
  • Damian Chalmers (NUS)
  • Allan Rosas (CJEU)
  • Eleonora Rosati (Stockholm)
  • Cédric Manara (Google)
  • Alain Verbeke (Leuven, Tilburg, Harvard)
  • Petros Mavroidis (Columbia)
  • Mitchel Lasser (Cornell)


Program types

Full time

Part time

Degree to be obtained


  • Law Schools Global League (LSGL)
  • European Law Students Association (ELSA)
  • European Law School Network (ELSN)
  • Several Worldwide Law Schools

Student profile

We seek highly motivated students with a solid and preferably international academic background. Candidates will go through a highly competitive selection process. In addition, students are subject to a demanding evaluation system throughout the duration of the LL.M. programmes, featuring written exams, take-home essays and other assignments.

Our younger students graduated with honours and the advanced students are typically experienced lawyers from well-known law firms with an average age of 28.

Students attending the LL.M. programmes in the past have come from around the world, including countries such as Angola, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mozambique, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Sierra Leone, Spain, Switzerland, United States of America, and Venezuela. Such diversity not only provides an opportunity for our students to develop their legal and academic careers, but gives them the chance to learn in a multicultural environment and to build a worldwide network of friendships.

Classes typically have around 20 to 30 students per programme, so that everyone may have the opportunity to actively participate in discussions, exchange best practices and develop strong personal and professional relationships.

Semesters and Semester

The course has a 9 months duration, divided in three trimesters with two breaks during Christmas and Easter.

Kosten und Finanzierung


Tuition fees (€)

Cost of living

As to living costs, on average students should expect to spend around 700 EUR per month, with accommodation starting at 350 EUR. 

Grants & scholarship

Católica Global School of Law is committed to making its programmes accessible to every admitted student. Funding options may be granted on the basis of a combination of need and merit. In order to benefit from funding, you must apply through as a regular student, including an additional letter describing your particular circumstances.

The scholarships available for 2025/2026 are the following:

  • ELSA Scholarship
    Católica Global School of Law is providing a full scholarship for one ELSA member. The application is to be submitted to Católica Global School of Law directly.

    In addition to the LL.M. application, you have to submit a Motivation Letter to ELSA International explaining why you are the right applicant for the scholarship. The motivation letter has to be maximum 1000 words long and submitted via email.



Application deadline

Apply now!

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so candidates are advised to apply as soon as possible. The application period will be running until 30 April.

Admission Requirement

Candidates will be selected on a rolling basis, following the analysis of their application documents and an online interview. All candidates must hold a first degree in law or have substantial legal academic background. Proficiency in the English language is necessary. 

How to apply

The Application must be done online.

Applicants should submit the following documents:

Motivation letter

Two letters of recommendation

Official transcripts from schools attended (in English or in Portuguese);

Curriculum Vitae (in English) with dates and lengths of employment

Official letter of dispatch for students sponsored by corporations or other organizations

Proof of English proficiency (e.g., TOEFL or IELTS)

Copy of Identity Card or Passport

1 Photo


Student facts

About 80% of the students are International students.

International students

  • Brazil
  • Poland
  • China
  • Germany
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Denmark
  • Greece

Ratio female/male students

68 : 32


Average age