City University of Hong Kong - School of Law

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City University of Hong Kong - School of Law

Über City University of Hong Kong - School of Law

Established in 1987, the School of Law offers quality education to undergraduate and postgraduate students.  We aim at creating a world renowned centre for research and teaching of law; fostering global knowledge, skills and perspectives in our students; and maintaining a close link with local and international legal establishments. These goals are reflected in the composition of our faculty, our curricula and enrichment activities.
The School aims to become an internationally-renowned centre for research and teaching of law in the Asia-Pacific region. As part of that objective, close links have been developed with the legal profession in Hong Kong as well as agencies of the legal system and users of legal services. Additionally, the School of Law has developed close institutional links, through our GLOBAL GATEWAY® Programme and international exchange programmes, with a variety of overseas institutions.


  • Gesellschaftsrecht/Corporate und M&A
  • Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Geistiges Eigentum (IP)
  • Grundgesetz
  • Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Rechtsvergleichung
  • Seerecht
  • Transport- und Speditionsrecht


  • Teilzeit
  • Vollzeit


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Number of professors


Number of students

Ranking and awards

As a hub where views from world-class scholars and professionals converge, CityU School of Law strives for excellence and pre-eminence in the Asia Pacific region both in terms of its teaching and research. In the latest Times Higher Education (THE) 2020 law rankings, CityU School of Law is ranked joint 25th globally. This is an improvement of 20 places from last year.

Indicative intakes

Master of Laws (170)
Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (100) 


Program types

Full time

Part time

Degree to be obtained

In 2021/22 academic year, the following streams will be offered under Master of Laws:

  • Chinese and Comparative Law
  • International Economic Law
  • Common Law
  • Intellectual Property and Technology Law
  • Corporate and Commercial Law
  • General

There is also a separate programme, Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution offered by CityU Law School.   


  • Chinese Law
  • Comparative Law
  • Corporate and M&A Law
  • General Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • International Economic Law
  • Maritime Law
  • Transportation Law

Semesters and Semester

Please refer to CityU's Academic Calendar here.

Kosten und Finanzierung

Info on tuition fees

Master of Laws (Combined Mode, Self-financing)
(for students admitted in 2021/22)

Academic Year | Tuition Fee

  • 2021/22 | HK$6,200 per credit
  • 2022/23 | HK$6,200 per credit
  • 2023/24 | HK$6,200 per credit
  • 2022/23 | HK$6,700 per credit
  • 2023/24 | HK$7,200 per credit

Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (Combined Mode, Self-financing)
(for students admitted in 2021/22)

Academic Year | Tuition Fee

  • 2021/22 | HK$5,700 per credit
  • 2022/23 | HK$6,200 per credit
  • 2023/24 | HK$6,700 per credit
  • 2022/23 | HK$7,200 per credit
  • 2023/24 | HK$7,700 per credit

The tuition fee for the last academic year indicated in the above schedule will apply until the end of students study in this programme.

Cost of living

The cost of living in Hong Kong is generally high. The estimated basic cost of living for a single student is around HK$11,000 to HK$21,000 per month to cover food, lodging and general living expenses, depending on the type of accommodation selected and level of living and personal expenses. The above estimate does not include the tuition fee, which may vary by programme depending on the credit load to be taken.

Grants & Scholarship

Scholarships for 2021/22 (subject to approval)

LLM Admission Scholarships

  • A maximum of 3 scholarships, each to the value of 12-credit tuition fees, which equals HK$74,400

Further details of the LLM Admission Scholarship are available here.

The number of scholarships and the allocation of scholarships each year are left entirely at the discretion of the Law School.


Application deadline

31 May 2021 (Non-local applications) for 2021 Fall entry.

How to apply

Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirements for Master of Laws
To be eligible for admission, applicants must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements and the following program-specific entrance requirements: *

  • Holding an honors degree in law or equivalent qualification; or
  • Having been admitted for the professional practice of law in Hong Kong or other jurisdictions; or
  • Having obtained either a Common Professional Examination (CPE) of the United Kingdom or Hong Kong with satisfactory results, provided that a second class honors degree has also been obtained; or
  • Having obtained a Postgraduate Certificate in Hong Kong Law or Master of Arts/Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution;
  • Being proficient in English if they are applying for the English Module, or being proficient in English and Chinese (Putonghua) if they are applying for the Chinese Module.

For applicants whose entrance qualification is obtained from an institution where the medium of instruction is not English, the minimum English language proficiency requirement is as follows: 

  • A minimum total score of 595 (paper-based test); or 97 (internet-based test); or 70 (revised paper-delivered test; the sum of Reading, Listening and Writing section scores) in TOEFL; or
  • An overall band score of 6.5 in IELTS; or
  • A score of 520 in the Mainland China's College English Test (CET) Band 6; or other equivalent qualifications.

* An applicant who holds a legal qualification from a common law jurisdiction will not be eligible to enroll in the Common Law Stream.

TOEFL and IELTS scores are considered valid for two years from the test date and must be valid at the time of submission of application. CET scores should be obtained within three years immediately preceding an application to the school of law.

Entrance Requirements for Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
To be eligible for consideration for admission,an applicant must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements and have:

  • A university degree from a recognized university or equivalent qualifications (e.g. AHKIArb).

Applicants whose employment or professional activities involve arbitration or other forms of dispute resolution may be preferred, where qualifications are otherwise equal, but in all cases admission will be based on merit.

Please refer to the following website for the English language proficiency requirement.


Study location

Hong Kong: Asia's World City

Hong Kong, officially the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, is an autonomous territory south to Mainland China and east to Macao in East Asia. With around 7.2 million Hong Kongers of various nationalities in a territory of 1,104 kilometers square, Hong Kong is the world's fourth-most densely populated territory.

Under the principle of "one country, two systems", Hong Kong maintains a separate political and economic system from China. Hong Kong is also one of the world's most significant financial centers, with the highest Financial Development Index score and consistently ranks as the world's most competitive and freest economic entity.


Except for students offered government-funded places on the Postgraduate Certificate in Law programme (PCLL), who are eligible to apply for student residence, all taught postgraduate students should seek off-campus accommodation as early as possible before arriving in Hong Kong. More information about off-campus accommodation are available here.

Leisure activities

Students can enjoy numerous shops, restaurants, movie theatres, and even ice-skating in Festival Walk, a large shopping mall conveniently located just across the street from the campus. Transportation is easy and convenient from the campus, as our stop, Kowloon Tong, serves as the transportation hub for downtown Central, Kowloon, and the New Territories.

Student life - A typical day

HOU Yami tells us about her typical day at City University of Hong Kong - School of Law.

8:10 am

Travel from hostel to school, reading constitutional law materials in advance.

10:00 am

Audit a friend’s company law tutorial, and learn more details about the lecture-“Agency, vacarious liability and attribution”.

12:00 pm

Participate in the constitutioan law tutorial, and learn more about the term of “ Act of state”.

01:00 pm

Have lunch in the canteen and take a nap.

02:00 pm

Attend the company law lecture, and learn about the “Members remedies”.

04:00 pm

Participate in company law tutorial.

05:00 pm

Have dinner with my classmate in the canteen and discuss the constitutional law assignment.

07:00 pm

Scan and print the reading material for constitutional law class.

08:00 pm

Chat with partners in preparation for a debate.

09:00 pm

Go back to hostel.

10:00 pm

Preview the corporate governance lecture, then go to sleep.

International students

CityU offers the opportunity to study law with students from all over the world. Students from North America, Europe, China and Singapore participate in the programme. The student body is composed of law students, attorneys, corporate executives, journalist and professionals from other law related disciplines.