Indiana University Maurer School of Law

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Indiana University Maurer School of Law

Über Indiana University Maurer School of Law

The Program

Indiana University Maurer School of Law has been granting graduate degrees to international lawyers for more than 100 years, in LL.M., MCL, SJD, and PhD programs. Our internationally respected Master of Laws (LL.M.) program offers highly qualified and academically outstanding students the opportunity to pursue advanced legal studies in a rigorous, but supportive, environment. Indiana Law is a top-ranked law school in the United States, and the LL.M. program has earned top ratings in the areas of academics, best law school experience, career planning, and best value.

Indiana Law’s LL.M. degree is primarily for international students with a first degree in law, and it requires at least one academic year in residence. We currently offer both the traditional LL.M. (24 credit hours) as well as an LL.M. with thesis (30 credit hours) for students planning to pursue doctoral studies. We also offer six areas of specialization for the LL.M. degree.


  • Allgemeines Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Bank- und Finanzrecht
  • Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Geistiges Eigentum (IP)
  • Handelsrecht
  • Informationstechnologie (IT)
  • Internationales Recht
  • Rechtsvergleichung


  • Vollzeit


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Herr William Schaad
Director of Graduate Admissions



Number of professors

62 full-time professors
10 librarians
30 affiliated and emiriti professors


Number of students

520 J.D. students
95 graduate students (LL.M., Thesis, M.C.L., S.J.D., exchange)

Professor-student ratio


Sehr geringSehr hoch


Indiana University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, and Maurer School of Law is accredited by the ABA.

Ranking & Awards

  • Overall law school ranking: 34
  • International program: 27
  • Intellectual property program: 25
  • Tax law program: 20

Awarded an A+ score in academics, best law school experience, career planning, and best value by International Jurist.

Renowned professors

  • Hannah Buxbaum
  • Marshall Leaffer
  • Fred Cate
  • Paul Craig
  • Mark Janis
  • Tim Waters
  • Yvonne Cripps
  • William Henderson
  • Leandra Lederman
  • Elisabeth Zoller

Notable alumni

  • Jost Wilhelm Ernst Delbrück
  • Lee Herbert Hamilton
  • Robin Jo (Kramer) Boyles
  • Feisal Amin Rasoul al-Istrabadi
  • Michael Elliot Uslan
  • Sherman A. Minton
  • Loretta Hogan Rush
  • Masuji Miyakawa
  • Hoagland "Hoagy" Carmichael
  • Birch Evans Bayh, Jr.
  • Lauren K. Robel


Degree to be obtained

Master of Laws (LL.M.)

  • LL.M. with Thesis
  • LL.M. with Specialization in the following areas:
    - American Law—General or Bar Exam Specialization
    - Business and Commercial Law
    - Financial Regulation and Capital Markets
    - Information Privacy and Cybersecurity
    - Intellectual Property Law
    - International and Comparative Law and Globalization
  • Master of Comparative Law (M.C.L.)
  • Master of Science in Cybersecurity Risk Management (with a Concentration in Law)
  • Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.)
  • Advanced Standing J.D.
  • Ph.D. Program in Law and Democracy

→ More information

Student profile

Indiana Law works to attract exceptional students who want a truly special legal education experience. We seek ambitious students from all countries and legal systems who can demonstrate not only that they have a strong background and desire to learn, but that they are equally eager to contribute to our diversity by sharing their own knowledge and experience. We enroll students just starting their graduate legal education, practicing lawyers, government officials, law professors, judges, diplomats, human rights activists, doctoral students, business men and women, and others.

Semester break

4 weeks winter break
3 months summer break


Summer intake: students have the option to start in June for a special Legal English course or in July for an intensive Introduction to U.S. Law course.

Fall intake: mid-August
Spring intake: first week of January

Summer / Winter term

Summer term
Start: January
Duration: 4 months

Winter term
Start: August
Duration: 4 months

Kosten und Finanzierung


Tuition fees ($)

The total estimated cost for one year, including tuition and fees, room and board, health insurance, and miscellaneous expenses, is $62,298.


Cost of living ($)

The estimated cost of living is for one year of room and board, health insurance, and miscellaneous expenses. 

Grants & Scholarships

Every applicant is considered for one of our Graduate Legal Studies scholarships, which range up to 50% of tuition costs.

Scholarship decisions are based on academic and professional merit and financial need, as well as a number of other factors, including geographic diversity and relationship with our partner institutions.

Other forms of financial assistance are also available.


Admission requirement

LL.M. and MCL applicants are generally required to have completed a first degree in law or a strong undergraduate concentration in legal coursework in their home country.

An LL.M. or MCL candidate for whom English is not their first language must demonstrate fluency in English via a TOEFL score of 94 IBT, IELTS score of at least 7.0, TOEIC score of at least 830, or equivalent TOEFL, IELTS, or TOEIC scores in other formats. An English proficiency score which is slightly lower than our minimum requirement is not rejected outright, especially when other factors, such as educational background and work experience, are outstanding. We do not offer conditional admission in place of the above mentioned test score requirements, but we do have a special LL.M. and MCL summer program for English and legal English improvement.

Our SJD program is for international law graduates who already hold an LL.M. degree and who have demonstrated exceptional analytical and research abilities. For all programs, an applicant's educational history should demonstrate exceptional performance, based on factors such as courses completed, GPA, class rank, and other indicators.

SJD applicants, even with US LL.M. degrees, must demonstrate fluency in English via a TOEFL score of 100 IBT or an IELTS score of at least 7.5.

Course page

More information about the courses you can find here.

How to apply

We have two ways to apply.

  1. If you will apply only to Indiana University Maurer School of Law, you should use our direct application.
  2. If you will apply to multiple US schools, the Law School Admission Counsel (LSAC) application is the best option.

If you do not yet have an LSAC LL.M. account
After reading all of the application details on this page, you should register for a new LSAC applicant account in order to start the application process.

If you have an existing LSAC LL.M. account
Simply log in to your current account in order to apply to the Indiana University-Bloomington Maurer School of Law.

Application deadline


  • LL.M., MCL, and Certificate:
    - Priority Date: February 1
    - Deadline: June 1
  • SJD:
    - Priority Date: February 1
    - Deadline: March 1
  • PhD: See website


  • LL.M., MCL, and Certificate:
    - Priority Date: September 1
    - Deadline: November 1


Student facts

Each year 50 to 70 talented students join us from more than 20 countries around the world. They come to us while at various stages of their lives, education and careers and range in age from 20s to their 60s. Many students arrive with their families and they all quickly become a part of our Indiana Law family. Our graduates might stay to sit for a US Bar exam, return to their home country to practice law in their area of specialization, return to work to improve their company’s legal department, as a professor to share our legal education with countless others, or even work in government to develop their country’s constitution and shape the future.

International students

This year the largest number of LL.M. students come from Thailand and South Korea.

Study location

Bloomington, Indiana, is about an one-hour drive south from Indianapolis, the capital city of Indiana. Indiana is located in the „Midwest“ region of the United States and is considered one of the „Great Lakes“ states because it is bordered by Lake Michigan.


Both on-campus and off-campus housing are available. For on-campus housing, please visit Indiana University’s Residential Programs and Services website.

Club & Society

There are a total of 33 student organizations at the law school, and LL.M. students may join any of them. LL.M. students may also be involved in the International Students Association or Student Ambassadors Program.

Leisure activities

Students have access to student recreation facilities, including pool, basketball, tennis courts, workout rooms, sports classes, etc.

Many students enjoy hiking in the woods nearby, going to free music performances, cinema, or museums on campus, eating and drinking in the many restaurants and bars in town, and traveling to nearby cities, such as Chicago, Louisville, and Indianapolis.

Support for parents/disabled

Students with disabilities
It is the policy of Indiana University to provide reasonable, effective accommodations or academic modifications, when necessary, to qualified individuals with disabilities. For more information, please see Disability Services for Students.  

Students with children
Indiana University provides on-campus housing for students with families as well as many other resources, including information about schools. The Graduate Legal Studies Office at the Law School sends new students a lot of specific information before arrival and matches new students with Student Ambassadors who can help answer questions.


Indiana University Alumni Associationover 690,000 members

Ratio female/male students



Average age