Koç University

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Koç University

Über Koç University

Koç University Law School was inaugurated in 2003 in Istanbul and has quickly become an internationally reputable institution in legal education and research. Koç University is a private non-profit, research-intensive and English medium university that is today amongst the top ranked higher education institutions in the region.

We offer LL.M. and Ph.D. programs in international public and private law in English to a small and carefully selected cohort of international students every year.


  • Allgemeines Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Gesellschaftsrecht/Corporate und M&A
  • Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Geistiges Eigentum (IP)
  • Handelsrecht
  • Internationales Recht
  • Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Menschenrechtsgesetz
  • Öffentliches Recht
  • Rechtsvergleichung
  • Seerecht
  • Verfassungsrecht
  • Versicherungsrecht


  • Teilzeit


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Frau Melissa Abache
Global Recruitment Team



Number of professors

in LL.M. program


Total students

The average class has 15-20 students.

Professor-student ratio


Sehr geringSehr hoch


Accredited by the Turkish Council of Higher Education (YÖK).
Diplomas obtained from Koç University are recognised worldwide.

Ranking & Awards

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings

  • Ranked #1 in Türkiye in THE World University Rankings 2023
  • Ranked #401-500 worldwide in THE World University Rankings 2023
  • Ranked #55 in THE Emerging Economies University Rankings 2022
  • Ranked #52 in the Asia University Rankings 2023
  • Ranked #89 in THE Amongst Young University Rankings 2022

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2023

  • Ranked #176-200 in Social Sciences

The QS World University Rankings 2023

  • 1st in Turkey
  • 477th Worldwide
  • 15th in Emerging Europe and Central Asia (EECA)
  • Ranked #301-500 in QS Graduate Employability Ranking

The QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023

  • Ranked #310 in Social Sciences and Management

→ More details


Program types

Full time

Part time

Degree to be obtained

  • Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Public Law
  • Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Private Law



Start: September

Duration: 5 months

Summer term

Start: February

Duration: 5 months

Student profile

Our aim is to recruit the best students from all over the world with a global mindset and interdisciplinary thinking who will be able to contribute to the development of society, the economy, politics and the legal profession.

We have students with many years of professional experience and also recent graduates with Law bachelor degrees. We do not prefer one group over another.

Koç University has an ambition of training a new generation of lawyers by offering research and learning in different legal disciplines based on multi-dimensional perspectives. Therefore, international students will have the opportunity to experience a global academic atmosphere where they will also be able to adopt legal approaches to cope with local and global issues.

Semester break

There are 2 semesters in an academic year.
There is a Winter Break of 1 week and a Spring Break of 1 week.
There are also national holidays that vary each year (Eid)

About the Program

In today’s world, where there is a growing need to adopt legal approaches to cope with local as well as global issues, resolving legal controversies require a multi-dimensional perspective based on a conception of different legal disciplines; hence, the lawyer profile who is able to add to the development of society, economy, politics and the legal profession has been changing. → Read More

Kosten und Finanzierung


Tuition fees ($)

The tuition for the 1-year LLM Non-Thesis and 2-year LLM Thesis program for international students is $12.200.


For more information please email us.

LL.M. with Thesis students may receive up to 100% tuition waiver depending on their success during the interview and written exam.

International students can also apply to the Turkish Scholarships program between January-March each year which awards 100% tuition scholarship, monthly living stipend and other benefits to selected students.


Cost of living($)

Monthly living costs in Istanbul can vary between 550-650 USD per month to cover accommodation on a shared basis (on-campus or off-campus), food, study materials and leisure activities. For further details, click here.


Application deadline

Students are able to apply for the LL.M. programs between February and June every year.

The Fall 2023 application deadline is June 23, 2023.

Admission Requirement

Bachelor of Laws with a minimum of 2.75 out of 4 GPA.

TOEFL iBT test score with a minimum of 80 points


How to apply

Submit your documents and complete all information requested in the Koç University Graduate Application online.

→ Apply now



Student facts

Istanbul is an emerging global business hub hosting many international organizations and companies such as UN divisions and international law firms due to its strategic location. Considering this advantage, our students have wide variety of career opportunities  in the legal profession and many have had the opportunity to do internships during the LL.M. program at these institutions or firms.

International students

  • United States
  • Pakistan
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bulgaria

Study location

Koç University is located in the northern part of the European side in Istanbul in Turkey, often referred to as the „bridge between East and West“.

Koç University’s main campus in Rumelifeneri (Sariyer district) achieves a striking balance, being accessible for all of Istanbul, while at the same time offering a retreat from the distractions of city life. There are shuttle and public bus services that connect the campus with Haciosman metro station.


Campus dormitories are not offered to LL.M. students however, support can be provided by our International Community Office in terms of available options near campus on a private rental basis.

Club & Society

There are 80 active students club on campus include the Law Students Club. Most of these clubs organize events targeted at bachelor students but graduate students.

Leisure activities

The product of a meticulous, integrated design, Koç University’s sixty academic and administrative buildings include laboratories, a library, dormitories, faculty residences, social venues, a health center and sports facilities.  

→ Full list of facilities

Students can also enjoy the full cultural programming of cinema, concerts, plays and more offered for free at our Campus Cultural Center.

Support for parents/disabled

Koç University has a disability support office that has won in 2019 an award from the Turkish Higher Education Council for the advancements made to make the campus accesible for students with physical disabilities.

Students with learning disabilities can also receive support from the Koç University Office of Learning and Teaching (KOLT).


Koç University now has an alumni community of over 15,900 graduates in Turkey and abroad. There is an Alumni Association that is active in organizing events in Istanbul and other cities in the US, Europe, Middle East and Asia.

Ratio female/male students



Average age
