LL.M. in International Business Law Université Libre de Bruxelles

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LL.M. in International Business Law Université Libre de Bruxelles

Über LL.M. in International Business Law Université Libre de Bruxelles

The LL.M. is a post graduate program designed for students who wish to deepen their knowledge of International Business Law while taking full advantage of the extraordinary range of opportunities offered in Brussels. In addition to a core curriculum of 8 courses, an optional course and a thesis, the program includes visits to the institutions of the European Union, an optional internship and guest lectures. LL.M. courses are taught on the Solbosch Campus, the main campus of the ULB in the heart of Brussels. Our core curriculum covers the main areas of international business law. Students benefit from small classes (average 35 students), low student teacher ratio and group camaraderie amongst the LL.M. students.


  • Allgemeines Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Bank- und Finanzrecht
  • Compliance
  • Gesellschaftsrecht/Corporate und M&A
  • Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Geistiges Eigentum (IP)
  • Handelsrecht
  • Informationstechnologie (IT)
  • Insolvenzrecht und Restrukturierungen
  • Internationales Recht
  • Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Prozessführung und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
  • Regulierungsrecht
  • Steuerrecht



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Frau Pamela Meisel



Number of professors



Number of students


Professor-student ratio


Sehr geringSehr hoch


The LL.M. in International Business Law is an English language full-time programme. It is a 60 ECTS credits (one year) post-graduate university programme, running from late September to June.

The programme is organized through the department of continuing education. It is officially recognized by the Communauté Française of the Kingdom of Belgium as a University Programme Level 7, without sanctioning an academic rank, meaning that under Belgian laws and regulations, the LL.M. does not qualify for access to the Belgian bar or to regulated legal professions.

Students who wish to seek the academic recognition of the programme or information about access to a PhD in their home institutions or countries are advised to seek information on such recognition before enrolling.

LL.M. candidates who successfully complete the programme are awarded a LL.M. in International Business Law, signed by the rector of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Most applicants to the LL.M. will already hold a degree giving access to the bar (in the UK, for example, this is a LLB while in Europe it is a Master).

Did you know?

The LL.M. is part of the program offerings of the University of Brussels, one of the leading universities in Europe, with 25.000 students, 32% of which come from outside of Belgium.


Program types

Full time

Degree to be obtained

LL.M. International Business Law

See Accreditation section for additional information.

Fall / Spring semester

Fall term

The Fall term runs from end of September – Third week December. 
Exams are held in January.

Spring term

The Spring term runs beginning of February through mid-May.
Exams are held in June.

Practical relevance

Most LL.M. professors are also practitioners who are able to share relevant practical expertise.

Student profile

The LL.M. is open to students from across the globe who hold a primary degree in law or who have gained experience in law at graduate level. Current students from around the world bring with them a wealth of diverse educational and professional experiences. The LL.M. seeks highly motivated students and independent learners ready to engage in small classroom discussions who wish to deepen their knowledge in International Business Law. The LL.M. also attracts students wishing to take full advantage of the extraordinary range of opportunities offered in Brussels, the capital of Europe (from internships to visits to the European Institutions to guest lectures from distinguished practitioners).

Semester break

Our program is a full-time academic year program commencing on end of September and running through the end of June.

Semesters and Semester

Students take 8 core curriculum courses namely,

→ Corporate Governance and ESG
→ International Commercial Transactions
→ Competition Law
→ International Litigation and Arbitration
→ International Trade and Investment
→ International Company Law – International Taxation
→ International Banking and Finance Law
→ International Law of IP, IT and Data Protection

Students take 4 core courses each term.  In addition, students select an optional course either Fall or Spring term and complete a thesis by the middle of May.

Kosten und Finanzierung


Tuition fees (€)

→ More information

Grants & Scholarships

We offer a limited number of scholarships per year offering a total or partial tuition fee waiver.

This is aimed at widening access to the program for students with excellent academic credentials who may have limited financial resources.


Application deadline

  • First Closing Date; Applicants who need a visa to study in Belgium or are applying for a scholarship must apply by 1 March.
  • Second Closing Date 1 June. 

Ongoing admissions after 1 June subject to available places
​Applicants are encouraged to apply by the First Closing Date.

Admission Requirement

The LL.M. is open to students who hold

  • a primary law degree or
  • a primary degree at university level in another subject with professional or other experience in law.

Candidates must establish English proficiency in one of the following ways:

  • TOEFL test with a score of minimum 90,
  • Cambridge English Language Assessment: minimum grade C1 Advanced,
  • IELTS test with an overall score of minimum 6.5,
  • primary degree or significant coursework at university level in English,
  • other written evidence of English proficiency (subject to acceptance by the admission officer).

How to apply

Application (available on our website) together with supporting document such as transcripts, evidence of English proficiency, recommendation letters and personal statement should be sent in electronic format via E-Mail.


Student facts

We regularly welcome students from around the world who bring a wealth of diverse academic, professional and life experiences.  This provides for an enriched academic environment in the LL.M. for all of our students. Enrollment varies but in a typical year, the LL.M. will welcome students from approximately 20 countries and at least 4 continents! 

Study location

Solbosch Campus, the main campus of the ULB in the heart of Brussels.


Students obtain their own housing. There are partner housing accommodations to which students are referred.


Every year graduates go on to work at international law firms in Brussels, major accounting and consulting firms, international and European institutions such as the European Commission and the European Investment Bank and firms in their home countries throughout Europe and the world.