Peking University School of Transnational Law (STL)

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Peking University School of Transnational Law (STL)

Über Peking University School of Transnational Law (STL)

Established in 1898, Peking University is the oldest higher education institution in China, and the School of Transnational Law (STL) is one of its newest and most innovative programs. STL‘s curriculum blends common law, Chinese law and international law and the teaching style emphasizes building the practical legal skills and knowledge that lawyers will need in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. International students study side-by-side with top law students from around China who will go on to be leaders in global law firms, government, multinational companies, and international organizations. Moreover, the program is based in Shenzhen one of Asia’s most booming cities, which has been called “the Silicon Valley of China.”

→ Visit our school website


  • Allgemeines Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Geistiges Eigentum (IP)
  • Internationales Recht



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Herr Cole Agar
Director of Graduate and International Programs



Number of professors


Number of students

Professor-student ratio


Sehr geringSehr hoch


The school is accredited from the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.

Ranking & Awards

QS World University Rankings 2021
Peking University ranked 2nd in China, 2nd among BRICS nations, and 23rd in the World.

Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021
Peking University ranked 2nd in the Emerging Economies, 3rd in Asia, and 23rd in the World.

QS World University Rankings 2019
Peking University ranked 2nd in China, 2nd among BRICS nations, and 30th in the World.

Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019
Peking University ranked 2nd in the Emerging Economies, 3rd in Asia, and 31st in the World.

Renowned professors

Sang Yop Kang
Professor Kang is a distinguished scholar in the fields of corporate governance, corporate law, law and economics, capital market regulation and East Asian economies and legal systems.

Professor Frances Snyder
Professor Snyder is a distinguished scholar in European Union law, WTO and international economic law, EU-China relations, and food safety law. In addition to many other prestigious appointments and awards he holds, in 2018 he re

Additionally, because of Peking University’s prestigious reputation and STL unique and exciting programs, the law school is fortunate to host many renowned visiting professors through the year.

Notable alumni

  • Peking University (PKU) has some of the most notable alumni in Chinese History, including Mao Zedong. Although STL is one of PKU‘s newest schools, already its graduates are becoming leaders in the fields of law and business.
  • For example, Zhao Feng (class of 2014) was listed in the top 30 lawyers in China under the age of 30,
  • and another alumni from class of 2015 was listed in the top 30 legal counsels in China under the age of 30 by "2018 LEGALBAND China 30 Under 30".
  • Wu Han (class of 2012) has already become a partner at King & Wood Mallesons.
  • Dong Shaoling (class of 2016) is the current CEO of Shenzhen ZhongbeiMingyi Tech Co., Ltd and has been named to the Forbes China “Top 30 Under 30” in Media, Marketing and Advertising for 2017.


Program type

full time

Degree to be obtained

Master of Laws (LL.M.)


  • Business Law
  • Chinese Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • International Law

Practical relevance

It is hard to ignore China’s rapid ascendency in global trade, innovation, and geopolitics. There are few countries in the world where China does not appear daily in the national news, and nearly every nation has seen its relations and business with China increase in recent history. And yet, while Chinese lawyers are rounding out their legal resumes by studying around the world, international lawyers and law students are just beginning to realize the true value of studying in China. There has never been a more relevant time to study law in China, and there is no better place than at the oldest and most prestigious university in the country, especially for a lawyer looking to the future.

Student profile

STL looks for ambitious and accomplished candidates who are future oriented and see the unique value in completing a rigor LL.M. program in China. Our students want to differentiate themselves from their peers back home and gain knowledge and connections that they could not have found in the U.S., UK, or EU. Our students want a more adventurous path to their legal objectives, but still with the comfort of knowing they are getting a world class education at a top ranked University. STL’s LL.M. includes students who were criminal prosecutors, university lecturers, government officials, doctoral students, commercial lawyers and Olympic athletes.


LL.M. intake takes place in mid-august each year.
The academic calendar is divided into 4 quarters.

  • Quarter 1: mid-August to late-October (11 weeks)
  • Quarter 2: early-November to mid-January (11 weeks)
    Spring Festival holiday from around mid-January to mid-February
  • Quarter 3: mid-February to late-April (11 weeks)
  • Quarter 4: early-May to late June (8 weeks)     

Kosten und Finanzierung


Cost of the LL.M. program (€)

The entire two-year LL.M. program is 176,000 RMB

Cost of living

Students can eat at various canteens and restaurants on campus for as low as 1€ for a meal.

Room and Board (€)
Single room on campus (€)

A shared room is half the cost 

Grants & Scholarships

The most popular scholarship is the Chinese Government Scholarship which covers around 30,000 RMB per year towards tuition, the majority of housing costs, medical insurance and a generous stipend of 3,000 RMB per month.

STL offers a “Belt and Road Scholarship” for citizens from countries associated with China’s “Belt and Road Initiative”. STL also offers some other limited merit and need based funding.


Application deadline

The application deadline is March 31. However, we encourage students to apply as early as possible after the application portal opens in the fall of each year.

Admission Requirement

Law background or training: Law degree (J.D., J.M., or LL.B.), or licensed to practice law in their home, or masters-level degree in a related area with significant law background. Official undergraduate degree certificate/diploma from a recognized university before enrollment in August. (students who have not yet received their primary degree diploma can substitute a letter on school letterhead stating that they are a student in good standing and expected to receive a diploma before the August enrollment date). English proficiency as demonstrated by Native speaker, completion of a program taught entirely in English, or test scores: a minimum score of 92 in TOEFL IBT or 6.5 in IELTS with 7.0 in IELTS writing. Valid foreign passport: (We prefer 3 or more years to expiration at time of application).

How to apply

There are two (one online, one hard copy) submissions of the application materials and one notification email that are required to be finished before your application is considered complete:

  1. Please fill out the on-line application form and upload other required application materials on the Peking University Application Portal at Please also note the formats and file sizes requested before uploading the application materials.
  2. Please send an email to STL to and to indicating that you have filled your application online.
  3. Please send by a trackable delivery method that gives you confirmation of receipt, hard copies of the original documentation including any sealed letters of recommendation to:

    PKU STL LL.M. Admissions, Room 410,
    Peking University School of Transnational Law,
    University Town, Nanshan District Shenzhen 518055,
    P.R. CHINA

Application Materials
Applicants must submit the materials listed below. Applications will only be reviewed after all materials are received. All documents should be written in English. If the documents are not in English, they must be accompanied by a notarized/authenticated English translation.

  1. Application Form for International Students (Master Programs) automatically produced by online application.
  2. Personal statement: Submit a personal statement explaining the reasons you are pursuing an LL.M. degree and how the degree will help you advance your plans and goals. (700 to 1000 words)
  3. Official transcripts: Submit official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions.
  4. Official degree certificates/diplomas: Submit official degree certificates/diplomas (authenticated copies of documents with authenticated English translations if documents are not in English). (Upon application, you can substitute a letter on school letterhead stating that you are a student in good standing and expected to receive an official degree certificate/diploma before the August enrollment date.) The original of the highest diploma received must be presented in person upon enrollment.
  5. Resume or Curriculum Vitae.
  6. Letters of Recommendation: At least two signed letters of recommendation from professors, employers, or others familiar with your academic and professional qualifications. (original). If sealed, please send the letters with your hard copies of the original documentation or separately, but clearly labeled to the same address above.
  7. Proof of English Competency: One photocopy of results of TOEFL or IELTS examination (unless you are a native English speaker or you have a degree from a postsecondary institution entirely conducted in the English language).
  8. Copy of valid passport, or identification card, preferably with three or more years to expiration at the time of application


Student facts

STL has students from every continent on Earth, except Antarctica.

Study location

STL's home is in Shenzhen, an ideal place to study transnational law. Sharing a border with Hong Kong, this vibrant metropolis is hailed as China's "Silicon Valley." It is a global center for business, entrepreneurship and innovation, and one of the fastest growing economic regions on Earth. The city is home to some of the largest technology companies in the world, such as the telecommunications and smart phone giant Huawei. Shenzhen has also made the news for such things as having the first all-electric bus fleet in the world.


Single and shared dormitory rooms are available on campus.

Club & Society

PKU and STL have many clubs, student organizations and extra-curricular activities. These range from moot court, to the Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF), to the rock climbing club.

Leisure activities

The campus has a massive athletics complex and many students enjoy playing football (soccer), basketball, badminton, and other sports. There are also parks, coffee shops, and other hangout spots on campus where students can enjoy getting to know their new friends from around the world. The city offers a good amount of night life from the ever-popular KTV (karaoke) to a wide range of local and international dining options. Shenzhen also hosts large annual events such as an international jazz festival and marathon. Also China’s massive investment in transportation infrastructure makes it easy to travel around the country during holidays.

Suppport for parents/disabeld people

The law school and dormitories are all wheelchair accessible. Accommodation can also be made for students with other disabilities. For students with children there are many pre-schools and kindergartens and other schools in the neighborhood and there are services that can help parents to select and hire nannies.

International students

  • Switzerland
  • India
  • Germany
  • Pakistan
  • Spain
  • South Korea
  • Brazil
  • USA
  • UK
  • Australia
  • Chile
  • Uganda

(The international student body is extremely diverse, and no single country is dominant. By continent the order is probably (1) Europe, (2) Asia, (3) South America, (4) North America, (5) Africa, (6) Australia.)

Ratio female/male students

3 : 2

Average age

The majority of LL.M. students are between mid-20’s and early 30’s. However, some students join STL directly after completing undergraduate degrees in law, while others have joined after having already spent significant time in their careers.