The University of Michigan Law School

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The University of Michigan Law School

Über The University of Michigan Law School

The University of Michigan Law School is one of the top law schools in the US and one of the first to offer an LLM program (its first class graduated in 1890). Located in an iconic college town in the center of the country, Michigan Law is known for its academic rigor, the inquisitive minds of its students and professors, its interdisciplinary approach, its collegiality, and its ability to create a life-long community of dedicated, generous, and successful lawyers around the globe.


  • Allgemeines Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Bank- und Finanzrecht
  • Energierecht
  • Gesellschaftsrecht/Corporate und M&A
  • Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Geistiges Eigentum (IP)
  • Grundgesetz
  • Innovation und Unternehmertum
  • Insolvenzrecht und Restrukturierungen
  • Internationales Recht
  • Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Menschenrechtsgesetz
  • Öffentliches Recht
  • Philosophie- & Geschichtsrecht
  • Prozessführung und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
  • Rechtsvergleichung
  • Regulierungsrecht
  • Soziales und Ethik
  • Steuerrecht
  • Strafrecht
  • Verfassungsrecht
  • Wirtschaft & Business


  • Vollzeit


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Number of professors

  • 99 full-time faculty
  • 83 part-time


Number of students

  • 30-40 LLMs
  • 8-12 SJDs
  • 10-15 MACL
  • and over 900 JDs in residence every year.

Professor-student ratio


Sehr geringSehr hoch



Renowned professors

Currently: Bruno Simma, Daniel Halberstam, Mathias Reimann, Susanne Baer, James Hathaway, Catharine MacKinnon, Anne Peters, Reuven Avi-Yonah
Historically: Eric Stein, John Jackson, William Bishop, Joseph Weiler

Notable Alumni

There are many, so apologies for listing only a few of our LLM alumni, and only those with European connections:
Susanne Baer, Daniela Bankier, Eric Bergsten, Neeru Chadha, Thomas Cottier, Andreas Fabritius, Jochen Frowein, Wolfgang Knapp, Hein Koetz, Zdenek Kuehn, Katarina Mathernová, Mathias Reimann, Siniša Rodin, Goran Selanec, Pieter van den Bossche, etc.


Program types

Full time

Part time

Degree to be obtained

Master of Laws (LLM) with option to focus on a specific area of law or to gain broad insights across many areas; Master of Advanced Corporation Law (MACL) with focus on corporate law and securities regulation.

Winter / Summer semester

Winter term

  • Start: August
  • Duration: 4 months

Summer term

  • Start: January
  • Duration: 4 months

Practical relevance

About a third of our LLM graduates take the New York Bar exam. All of our graduates remain forever part of the Michigan Law family.


  • American Society of International Law
  • Salzburg-Cutler Global Fellows
  • International Bar Association
  • American Bar Association
  • Association of American Law Schools

Student profile

Michigan Law welcomes intellectually curious and thoughtful candidates from a variety of legal systems and backgrounds and with various career plans. Our LLMs typically graduated well within the top 10% of their legal cohorts in university and include lawyers working in corporations, law firms, government, academia, the judiciary, international organizations and non-profits. Our MACL students typically have made their mark in practice around the globe. The diversity of the participants in the LL.M.and MACL programs contributes significantly to the educational experience of the entire Michigan Law community.

Semester break

The LLM degree requires full-time enrollment for the two consecutive semesters of fall and winter, with a break from December 19, 2019 through January 12, 2021. The MACL degree requires full-time enrollment for the entire spring/summer term.


  • The 2020-2021 LL.M program starts with orientation on August 24, 2020 and ends with graduation on May 7, 2021.
  • The 2020 MACL program starts May 15, 2020 and ends on August 8, 2020.

Kosten und Finanzierung

Tuition fees

2020-21 Tuition for the entire LLM year ($)
2020 Tuition for the summer MACL degree ($)

Cost of living

For 2020-2021, the estimated single student budget ($) for the LLM program (including mandatory health insurance).
For 2021, the estimated single student budget ($) for the MACL program (including mandatory health insurance).

Grants & Scholarships

Every year, approximately one third of the enrolled LLM class is awarded a Michigan Grotius Fellowship. The fellowship awards are carefully determined on the combined basis of financial need and academic promise.

In addition, admitted LLMs are eligible for Weiser Fellowships. For further details, please refer to our webpage on Financial Aid.


Application deadline

The application deadline for the LLM program is January 31. By this date, all materials should reach our office. We therefore recommend applying by early December.

Applications for the MACL program will be received on a rolling basis and will be considered for admission as long as space in the class remains available. (NB: International students must apply early enough to receive their visa and arrive in Michigan by May 14.)

Admission Requirement

primary degree in law (e.g. 1. Staatsexamen)

TOEFL scores of at least 100 ibT or IELTS scores of at least 7.0

professional experience gained after completion of 1. Staatsexamen (or equivalent) - or at a minimum through significant internships - is highly desirable.

How to apply

We welcome online applications via LSAC, or a hardcopy application via postal or courier service. In the latter case, please complete and print the LLM application pdf or MACL application pdf as appropriate, and have all official documents sent to us directly from the issuing institutions/authors (transcripts, diplomas, English test scores, letters of recommendation).

The following items are required:
completed application form; CV; all university level transcripts (regardless of area of study and whether completed or not), all degree confirmations, at least two letters of recommendation, valid TOEFL or IELTS scores, the application fee of $75 unless the fee was waived.
Applicants who complete the CRS survey are eligible for competitive merit waivers. Applicants for whom the application fee presents a significant financial obstacle may request a need-based waiver by emailing us.


International students

Typically, our LLM cohort represents at least 20 countries and we strive for global diversity.

Study location

The University of Michigan Law School is located in the heart of Ann Arbor, a cosmopolitan and serene university town, 30 minutes from the international airport hub of Detroit. Chicago is a four-hour drive or train ride southwest, while Toronto and Niagara Falls are five-hours northeast.


LLMs who wish to live on-campus have 3 excellent options: the beautiful and convenient Lawyers Club, the innovative and interdisciplinary Munger Graduate Residences, or the family-friendly Northwood Community Apartments. LLMs may also live in the Law School community’s Phid House or in the many private apartments and houses within walking distance of the Law School.

During the MACL program, on-campus housing is available at Northwood Community Apartments. In addition, we provide lists of sub-let options in the direct vicinity of the Law School. 

Club & Society

Graduate students are encouraged to participate in the activities of nearly 50 student organizations which enrich the Law School through speakers, service work, and social and intellectual activity designed to bring together individuals with shared interests. A small sampling includes the Women Law Students Association, the Entrepreneurial Law Association, the Environmental Law Society, the Intellectual Property Student Association, the Latino Law Students Association, the Business Law Association, and the Law School's six scholarly journals. Furthermore, Michigan offers a variety of opportunities for students to test and develop their professional skills outside of the classroom with mediation workshops, client-counseling and negotiation competitions, the Family Law Project, the Asylum and Refugee Law Project, and the Legal Alternative Winter Breaks.

Leisure activities

Among the most popular activies in Ann Arbor are attending and cheering American football games in the biggest sports stadium in the country, supporting the highly successful Wolverine baseball and ice hockey teams, and rallying Detroit’s many professional sports teams. Students also form their own teams (soccer and basketball have been particularly popular). Hiking, biking, kayaking, and cross-country skiing in and around town are also popular. Cultural entertainment is plentiful with museums, fairs and festivals. Artists and ensembles of world renown perform in Ann Arbor and Detroit, supplemented by performances from faculty and future stars of the UM School of Music, Dance and Theater.

Support for parents/disabled people

Michigan Law is strongly committed to supporting those students who have physical or learning disabilities. If you think you may be entitled to special disability accommodations from the Law School, please read these instructions for information about how to apply. It is very helpful if you contact us as early as possible following admission in order to allow us enough time to work closely with you to address any concerns you may have.
It is not uncommon for some of our students to join us with their families. The University provides resources online as a starting point, and Law School staff and classmates are also happy to assist with advice.

Ratio female/male students

The typical ratio has been fairly even.

Average age

29. However, the cohort typically ranges in age from the early 20s to late 40s.

Student facts

The Michigan LLM cohort consists of a closely knit group of 30 – 45 students from virtually all continents. The Michigan MACL cohort also represents numerous countries and legal systems.
