University of Minnesota Law School

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University of Minnesota Law School

Über University of Minnesota Law School

Combine one of the best law schools in the U.S. with one of its top cities and you have the University of Minnesota Law School. Minnesota Law’s LL.M. programs provide foreign-trained lawyers with a rigorous academic experience, exposing them to a broad array of legal skills and knowledge. Minnesota Law offers a Business Law LL.M. and a general LL.M. with the option to earn one of 11 concentrations (Business Law, Criminal Justice, Environmental & Energy Law, Family Law, Health Law & Bioethics, Human Rights, Intellectual Property & Technology Law, International Law, and Labor & Employment Law).


  • Allgemeines Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Arbeitsrecht
  • Energierecht
  • Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Geistiges Eigentum (IP)
  • Grundgesetz
  • Internationales Recht
  • Menschenrechtsgesetz
  • Strafrecht


  • Vollzeit


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Frau Kara Galvin


Number of professors

full time faculty
part-time and adjunct faculty


Number of students

combination of all law students (JD, LLM, SJD & MSPL)

Professor-student ratio


Sehr geringSehr hoch



Ranking and Awards

Us News and World Report 
#20 Law School 

Renowned professors

Prof. Fionnoula Ni Aiolain 

Noteable alumni

Our more than 850 alumni around the globe include

  • attorneys
  • judges
  • general
  • counsels
  • partners
  • CEOs
  • law professors

who are making positive changes in the world every day. 


Degree to be obtained

  • LL.M.
  • Business Law LL.M.


  • Business Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Employment Law
  • Environmental and Energy Law
  • General Law
  • Healthcare, Medical & Sports Law
  • Human Rights Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • International Law
  • U.S. Law

Winter / Summer semester

Winter term

Start: August
Duration: 5 months

Summer term

Start: January 
Duration: 4 months 


Big 10 Athletics

Student profile

Minnesota Law seeks LL.M. students who are passionate about law, curious about the world, and motivated to engage with their peers and professors in the classroom. We strive to create a diverse LL.M. cohort each year, admitting students from all types of backgrounds and many different future plans. Our more than 850 alumni around the globe include attorneys, judges, general counsels, partners, CEOs, and law professors who are making positive changes in the world every day.

Semester break

2 semesters per academic year
LL.M. program begins in August; regular fall semester work starts the first Tuesday in September Spring semester begins the third Tuesday in January

Language of instructions


Kosten und Finanzierung

Info on tuition fees

Required tuition and fees ($)

For two semesters (one academic year)

Mandatory insurance and estimated textbooks ($)


Cost of living ($)

per year for one person living in modest accommodations

Grants & Scholarships

All students admitted to the LL.M. program are automatically considered for a scholarship award. The average award covers between 30 – 60% of tuition.


Application deadline

LL.M. application is available on October 1. All application materials must be received by May 1. Applications are considered on a rolling basis starting in November.

Admission Requirement

Law degree from an institution outside the US and a minimum English proficiency score of 80 TOEFL/ 6.5 IELTS

How to apply

LSAC online application (preferred) or mailing all materials via post to International Programs office. Required materials are application form and fee, official transcripts, two letters of recommendation, personal statement, proof of English proficiency, and resume/CV.
Applicants to the Business Law LL.M. must submit an additional one-page essay.


Student facts

Each year many students participate in the LEAD program, gaining valuable legal English and law school skills before starting the LLM program.

International students

  • China
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Turkey

Study location

Minneapolis is the largest city in the state of Minnesota and one half of the „Twin Cities“. The Minneapolis - St. Paul metro area is home to a nationally renowned park system with hundreds of miles of trails and an amazing chain of lakes, the largest theater community outside New York, and an internationally renowned music scene. Add to that distinctive neighborhoods, numerous professional sports teams, and a new light rail system just steps from the Law School’s front door which provides ready access to a major international airport, as well as federal, state and local courts, and the state capitol.


Two large off-campus housing complexes are across the street from the law school.
No university housing is designated for law students.

Club & Society

Approximately 40 law student organizations; past LLMs have joined Asylum Law Project, Asian Pacific American Law Student Association, Black Law Students Association, Human Rights Advocacy Project, Theatre of the Relatively Talentless, Law Council, Student Intellectual Property Law Association, and more.

Leisure activities

On-campus recreation and wellness center, more than 40+ law student organizations, award-winning public parks and trails, hundreds of restaurants around the metro area, award-winning public transit system.

Support for parents/disabled people

All University of Minnesota buildings are fully accessible. All Minnesota Law students have access to the University Disability Resource Center to provide accommodations as needed within classrooms and around campus. On-campus housing is available for students who have children.


University of Minnesota Alumni Association

Ratio female/male students


Average age