Washington University School of Law

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Washington University School of Law

Über Washington University School of Law

Washington University School of Law is one of the top 20 U.S. law schools and conveniently located in the center of the United States in Saint Louis, Missouri. Along with the traditional JD degree, it offers LLM degrees for foreign-trained lawyers in US Law, Intellectual Property Law (IP), Negotiation and Dispute Resolution (NDR), and Tax.  The Law School also offers a Master of Legal Studies (for non-lawyers) and a JSD degree (doctorate).  Recent law-school graduates as well as seasoned practitioners from over 30 countries add to a culturally-diverse and intellectually-stimulating environment, where international students take 90% of their classes with American peers from the JD programs. Outside the classroom, LLM students can participate in several Moot Court competitions such as the Jessup Moot Court. They can also participate in the Judicial Learning Experience Program (JELP) where they are paired up with a local judge.  For those students interested in scholarly writing opportunities, they can be part of the International Student Advisory Board of the  Global Studies Law Review. As far as career development, students participate in the yearly West Coast Career Fair in February and can apply for a summer internship (eg., World Bank).


  • Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Geistiges Eigentum (IP)
  • Grundgesetz
  • Prozessführung und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
  • Steuerrecht



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JuanDel Valle
Herr Juan Del Valle
Director of International Programs & Lecturer in Law



Number of professors

full- and part-time faculty


Number of students

LLM, MLS, and JSD (SJD) students)

Professor-student ratio


Sehr geringSehr hoch



Ranking & Awards

US News & World Reports

Shanghai Index
#24 among World's Best Universities

A typical day

LL.M. Student Rose Yang is taking us through a typical day.

06:00 am

Get up, have breakfast, listen to NYtimes The Daily podcast.

07:00 am

Finish the reading and get ready for class.

10:30 am


11:30 am

Lunch with classmates  / attend student organization meeting / Reading

01:00 pm


02:30 pm

Take a break / or meeting with prof. / attend CASLE tutoring session / do some readings

04:00 pm

Class (some days no class, will spend about an hour at gym, and the rest time to catch up reading or do research.)

06:00 pm

Dinner and prepare for study group meeting.

06:30 pm

Study Group Meeting:

Meeting with friends in my Contracts class to share notes and talk about the class sessions this week.

09:30 pm

Take a break and back to class prep for tomorrow.

11:00 pm

Go home and sleep. Get ready for another day.

Virtual Tour of WashULaw

Hear from our faculty, students, and professors about life at WashULaw through our virtual tour. Explore short videos covering our faculty, programs, student life, campus, and city.  



Fall term

Start: August
Duration: 4 months

Spring term

Start: January
Duration: 4 months

Practical relevance

Several of our LLM students work on our Global Studies Law Review every year, participate in moot court and client counselling competitions, and mock trial teams.



WashULaw has alums in all states and 24 countries.

They are always happy and willing to assist fellow WashULaw alums because they consider themselves part of the WashU family.

Student profile

We are looking for motivated students who see the LLM as a stepping stone in acquiring the legal skills that are crucial for work in a global legal environment. Ideally, our applicants and future students should be avid networkers, who see their time at Washington University School of law as an ideal opportunity to connect with U.S. and international influencers, be it current students, local or national professionals or alumni.

Average starting salary

European LLM graduates normally get hired by leading companies and law firms around the world.  Feel free to reach out to our admissions counsellors for information on specific markets.

Academic year

The academic year has a Fall and a Spring semster.

Semester break

The academic calendar changes slightly every year. The Fall semester typically begins the third week of August for incoming students and ends the second week of December. The Spring semester begins mid-January and ends late April.

Graduation is held in mid-May.


Our one-year LLM classes start in mid-August and students should plan to be in St. Louis and ready to study at that time.  If students take the Summer Legal English Program, classes begin the first week of July.

The law school offers a one-week Intersession program the second week of January.  Experienced practitioners and visiting professors teach several intensive one-week courses. 

There is no official summer school program, although many incoming LLM students will participate in the Summer Legal English Program.

The Summer Legal English Program is free of charge for admitted students.

Students can also start classes in January, although the August start date is preferable.


Language of instructions


Degree to be obtained


  • in US Law
  • in IP and Technology Law
  • with Specialization in Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
  • in Taxation (for domestic students)
  • Certificates available in Areas of Concentration 

MLS Master

  • in Legal Studies (for non-lawyers)

JSD doctoral degree

Kosten und Finanzierung


Tuition fees ($)

Tuition and required fees per academic year.  Some scholarship assistance is available.

Cost of living ($)

Our experience has shown that LLM students at WashU can live at a substantially lower cost than the required amount.

Living costs in Saint Louis are at least 10% lower than in other big US cities and about 50% less for Los Angeles, 30% for Chicago, 60% Boston, and 90% for New York (Brooklyn).

→ Living Calculator

Room & Board
Books & Supplies
Summer expenses
Free public transportation

Grants & Scholarships

Washington University School of Law Scholarships (eg., the Dean's Scholarship, Scholar in Law)

Detjen Scholarship

External Sources such as DAAD, Fulbright


Application deadline

Admissions are on a rolling basis, meaning we consider applications as they are completed. Candidates are considered for admission up to 14 months prior to beginning study on campus. Therefore, we strongly recommend that applicants apply as early as possible. 

There is no application fee, and interested students are encouraged to apply as early as possible to start the conversation with us.


Admission Requirement

TOEFL of 100 iBT and 7.0 IELTS desired. Applicants with lower proficiency scores will be considered for admission on an individual basis.

First degree in law required such as in LLB or Staatsexamen.

Applicants with substantial legal experience but no first degree in law may be considered on an individual basis.

How to apply

→ Apply here

with your

  • CV (optional)
  • personal statement
  • transcripts
  • recommendation (at least one)
  • IELTS, or other standardized English proficiency test
  • no application fee


Student facts

Most of our students are recent graduates who have interned at major law firms in their countries.

International students

  • Asia
  • Western Europe
  • Latin America

Study location

Washington University is conveniently located in the center of the U.S. in St. Louis, known as the “Gateway to the West.“

Lambert International Airport offers daily flights to every major city in the US and to connecting flights throughout the world. The city has been influenced by its French history (named after King Louis IX of France) and its German immigrants (as seen in the Anheuser-Busch brewery).

Its rich cultural life and cuisine offer great weekend venues for students who want to take a rest from studying. Washington University is an integral part of the city, and offers a traditional campus feel with historic buildings and modern facilties such as the Gary M. Sumers Recreation Center.


Campus housing is provided for undergraduate students only, but LLM students normally find close and convenient housing around the campus with easy and safe access to the university.

Admitted students can be put in contact with current students as well as with our office to find out more about housing options. The map shows the areas that are predominantly inhabited by LLM students.

Club & Society

The School of Law supports almost 50 student groups representing a wide spectrum of opinions. These groups contribute immeasurably to the vitality of our community and provide many students with a place to advocate, serve, and otherwise engage in the larger academic, social, and legal worlds. The International Law Student Organization (ILS) is probaly the student organization of choice for most LLM students.

ILS offers

  • Career panels with attorneys & professors focusing on both public & private international law 
  • Panel presentations by students about topics such international internship opportunities 
  • Speakers events on various topics of international law 
  • Language groups for students to practice their foreign language skills
  • LLM Mentoring program to help international students adjust to life at WashU

Leisure activities

The Gary M. Sumers Recreation Center is an innovative and inclusive facility, outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment that provides an individualized experience. It is a place to recharge with furnished relaxation space, massage therapy, and a health promotion suite.

Forest Park, directly adjacent to Washington University, is the seventh largest urban park in the United States, a natural oasis in an urban environment. Located on 1,293 acres in the center of the St. Louis metropolitan area, Forest Park is 450 acres larger than New York City's Central Park.

Support for parents/disabled

Students with disabilities are fully integrated and receive ample support through Cornerstone, our university-wide disabilty accommodation services.

Parents have the option to enroll their children in our university-run preschool and kindergarten, a facility located on campus.


We have several thousand law alumni world-wide. Graduates will be put into contact with alumni from their home country or desired practice jurisdiction upon request.

Ratio female/male students

Fluctuating yearly

Average age

25-30 years
