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Über GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH

GLOBALG.A.P. is a brand of smart farm assurance solutions built on a portfolio of standards for safe and responsible production processes in agriculture, aquaculture, and floriculture. Our holistic approach to certification is developed through extensive collaboration with sector experts. GLOBALG.A.P. activities are supported by a rigorous integrity program and a network of more than 430 GLOBALG.A.P. Community Member organizations from across global value chains. In addition, our dedicated capacity-building program equips producers around the world with practical knowledge about responsible farming practices, enabling them to achieve certification, meet evolving market requirements, and contribute to international sustainability goals. Today, GLOBALG.A.P. solutions provide some of the most respected and internationally recognized standards that support the global trade of farmed products, counting almost 200,000 producers around the world under certification. 

What drives us?

Our vision – What do we want to achieve?

We envision a world in which farms are recognized for their efforts to continuously produce enough safe food while safeguarding our environment and the welfare of farming communities.

Our mission – How will we achieve our vision?

We collaborate with supply chain stakeholders to foster the global adoption of safer and more responsible farming practices by providing industry-leading, cost-effective, and value-adding assurance and benchmarking solutions.

Our purpose – What do we believe?

Every generation has a right to safe food. To protect this right now and for future generations, the world’s farms must produce safe food in ways that are socially and environmentally responsible and resilient.

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