Europa-Institut, Saarland University

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Europa-Institut, Saarland University

Über Europa-Institut, Saarland University

The Europa-Institut is the second-oldest institute of its kind in Europe, with almost 70 years’ experience teaching and researching European and international law. With its unique geographical location close to cities like Luxembourg, Strasbourg, Brussels and Paris, its high teaching quality and the excellent career services, the Europa-Institut is a unique and prestigious choice for the study of law.

The institute offers a one-year Master’s program (LL.M.) focusing on European and international law with possible specializations in European Economic Law, Foreign Trade and Investment, International Dispute Resolution, European and International Protection of Human Rights and IT Law (from Winter Semester 2019/2020 on, initially only in German).

Six modules are offered: Module 1: European Integration and Modules 2-6 with the study units European Economic Law, Foreign Trade and Investment, International Dispute Resolution, European and International Protection of Human Rights and IT Law (from Winter Semester 2019/2020 on, initially only in German).


  • Internationales Recht
  • Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht


  • Vollzeit


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Number of professors


Number of students


ACQUIN (system accreditation of Saarland University)
European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA) "Certificate for Quality of Internationalisation (CeQuInt)"

Renowned professors

  • The lecturers of the Europa-Institut ensure a highly practical approach to the program.
  • In addition to professors teaching at Saarland University, the Europa-Institut hosts guest professors from all over the world.
  • Included are top EU civil servants from the Commission, Council, Parliament and the Court of Justice, as well as leading personalities from the judiciary, business world, administrative and political sector.

→ More information

Information about the program

  • One-year Master's program focusing on European and International Law
  • Six modules are offered: Module 1: European Integration and Modules 2-6 with the study units European Economic Law, Foreign Trade and Investment, International Dispute Resolution and European, International Protection of Human Rights and IT Law (currently only available in German)
  • Students can obtain up to two specializations in addition to their Master's degree, i.e. to obtain an LL.M. degree in International Dispute Resolution or European and International Protection of Human Rights
  • Highly qualified specialists from the academic and business world
  • Practice-oriented teaching combined with excellence in academic training
  • Soft Skills trainings
  • Excursions to European and international institutions
  • Intensive support from the Europa-Institut team
  • Access to an international network via our Alumni Association EVER e.V.
  • Excellent preparation for the European and international job market


Degree to be obtained

Master of Laws (LL.M.)

Practical relevance

The Europa-Institut offers a unique mixture of lectures, seminars, interactive exercises, language courses, communication skills training, guest lectures and discussions. It also offers the possibility to take part in moots, Eurosim and excursions to cities like Strasbourg or Luxembourg where students can get into direct contact with the “makers” of Europe. In meet & greet events organized by the alumni association of the Europa-Institut, EVER e.V., students moreover have the opportunity to talk and network with alumni.

Student profile

The Europa-Institut is interested in attracting students with different legal backgrounds from all over the world with an active interest in European and international law. Graduates of the program hold positions in European and international organizations, internationally oriented law firms, international companies as well as in national governments and administrations. The diversity of the participants in the LL.M. program (75 students from more than 30 countries) contributes significantly to the educational experience of the students of the Master´s program.


Winter semester

Language of instructions

English and/or German

Summer term

Start: April
Duration: 5 months

Winter term

Start: October
Duration: 6 months

Kosten und Finanzierung


Tuition fees (€)

2,800 € per semester (5,600 € for the year).


Cost of living (€)

Per month

Grants & scholarship

The Europa-Institut itself does not award scholarships. However, there is the possibility to look for scholarships in either your home country or in Germany, i.e. via the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

→ Further information.


Application deadline

15 July, late applications are possible until 30 September.

Admission Requirement

The requirements for admission to the LL.M. program "European and International Law" at the Europa-Institut are as follows:

  • a university degree in law or in a comparable subject (business studies, humanities) from a German or foreign university and
  • proof of sound knowledge of German and/or English 

Course Page

Find further information at our Course Page.

How to apply


Student facts

75 students from more than 30 countries from all over the world.

Study location

Saarbrücken, West Germany

The Europa-Institut is located close to Luxembourg, Strasbourg, Brussels, Paris, The Hague, Geneva, Frankfurt and Berlin, all of which host significant European and international organizations such as the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European Court of Human Rights, the United Nations or NATO.

Saarbrücken as the state capital of Saarland is located at the heart of the European Union, and is closely connected to its European neighbors France and Luxembourg, holding a position as both a trade and exhibition center beyond its city and county borders. Cinemas, museums, theaters, concerts, opera, ballet – Saarbrücken has a lot to offer on many levels. Furthermore, galleries and museums open their doors to the interested visitor throughout the year. Culinary festivals also attract many visitors. Saarbrücken’s castle is also well worth a visit with its terraces that enable an amazing view of the city.


There are several accommodation options for staying in Saarbrücken. You can either rent a room or apartment in student accommodation (provided by the university), search for a room in shared student accommodation, or rent your own apartment. The Europa-Institut staff will be glad to help with your search and provides you with a list of options once you are admitted to the program.

Leisure activities

Regular excursions to European and international institutions as well as extracurricular offers such as a Christmas party, a tour through Saarbrücken at the beginning of the academic year and a summer party at the end of it form an international team out of the students. The university offers a variety of sports opportunities.

Support for parents/disabled

Click here for further information.