IE Law School

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IE Law School

Über IE Law School

IE Law School delivers top-notch, innovative, globally oriented and multidisciplinary legal education that breaks traditional barriers to shape the legal professionals of tomorrow. IE Law School drives innovation in the legal world, training global lawyers that standout for their passion for entrepreneurship and humanistic spirit. Our practical and global approach to legal education results in practice-ready skills employers demand and cultivates a unique perspective that prepares future lawyers to lead change.
The School benefits from an intensive focus on technology, promotes an entrepreneurial mindset in students to transform the practice of law, and generates relevant knowledge of business-related areas to create value.


  • Allgemeines Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Compliance
  • Gesellschaftsrecht/Corporate und M&A
  • Rechtsvergleichung
  • Steuerrecht


  • Fernstudium
  • Teilzeit
  • Vollzeit


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Frau Maria Uriarte
Global Recruitment for Masters programs



Number of professors

adjunct and full time faculty.


Number of students


IE University is accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain. IE Business School is accredited by the following agencies, among others: AACSB International, EQUIS Accredited, and Association of MBAs (AMBA).

Renowned professors

  • Javier de Cendra
  • Álvaro de la Vía
  • Federico Linares García de Cossío
  • Juan Manuel de Remedios
  • Antonios Kouroutakis
  • Natalia Pastor Caballero
  • Alejandro Touriño
  • Alberto Frasquet
  • Francisco de Elizalde
  • Marco de Benito Llopis-Llombart
  • Charlotte Leskinen
  • Daniel W. Linna JR.
  • Daniel Martin Katz
  • Francisco Marcos

Notable alumni

  • Lars Querndt
  • Associate Trademark and Competition Law at Bird & Bird (Germany)
    Federico Linares García de Cossío
  • Chairman-elected at EY Spain and Tax & Law Managing Partner for Spain, Italy and Portugal
    Alberto Frasquet
  • Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills
    Khurram Khan
    Executive LL.M. (United States)
  • Fabiana Muniz
  • Master in Global Corporate Compliance (Brazil)
    Antonio Papadopoulos
  • LL.M. in International Business Law (Greece)
    Vanessa Ardabili
  • Bachelors of Law (Germany & Iran)
    Tabea Böglin
  • Dual Degree in Laws and International Relations (Switzerland)

International alliances and recognition

Inter IE Law School plays an active role in leading international institutions serving the worldwide legal education community as well as international legal practitioners and bar associations: International Association of Law Schools, Law Schools Global League, International Bar Association, European Law Students ‘Association and the European Module and Law Without Walls.


Degree to be obtained

LL.M. or MSL depending on the academic background.

  • LL.M. in International Business Law: Moot Court, Legal clinics and immersion week in Brussels or London.
  • Executive LL.M.: Residential period in Chicago (IE-Northwestern Law School) and Legal clinics.
  • Master in Global Corporate Compliance (Part-Time/ Full-time): Academic experience at NYU and Legal clinics.
  • Master in LegalTech: Three innovative Legaltech Ecosystems (IE Law School, The Harry Radzyner Law School at IDC Herzliya and Silicon Valley) and Legal clinics.


  • Business Law
  • Comparative Law
  • Compliance, Governance & Policies
  • Corporate and M&A Law
  • Tax Law


Winter term

Start: October
Duration: 5 months

Sommer term

Start: March
Duration: 4 months


  • International Association of Law Schools
  • Law Schools Global League (Dean Javier de Cendra holds the copresidency)
  • International Bar Association
  • European Law Students´ Association (ELSA)
  • The European Modul (European Commission)
  • Law Without Walls

Student profile

Top students are the heart of our school. At IE Law School, we are interested in attracting talented and curious students that come from diverse legal systems, cultures and backgrounds. Our strong corporate and business approach, entrepreneurial DNA and innovative spirit appeals to students that want to make a positive impact on the world and lead change in the sector. Our goal is to train full-rounded and entrepreneurial lawyers, and not merely to teach the law but go beyond.

Average starting salary

It will depend on the market and industry in which the students pursue their careers.

Semester break

Most of our Masters start in October. Master in Legal Tech and Master in Global Corporate Compliance Part-Time start in March.Most of our Masters start in October. Master in Legal Tech and Master in Global Corporate Compliance Part-Time start in March.

Mandatory internships

There are not mandatory internships. In any case, IE Law School cannot be understood without a strong focus on the business world and entrepreneurship and very close ties with the business community. This is why from the very beggining of the program you will be in contact with the business and legal communiy, top law firm partners and HR Departments.

An enriching learning experience:
We provide access to elite on-campus and international experiences that immerse you in the realities of the global legal world. Through this experiences our students leave prepared to work side by side with clients and be the next leaders in legal practice and innovation at a global level.

Career options globally
IE Law School has partnered with BARBRI, the number one bar examination review course in the United States, to give our LL.M. in International Business Law students qualified as lawyers the chance to take the California Bar Examination and become qualified to practice law in the US. BARBRI has been ranked the number one bar review course thanks to its innovative and flexible study tools. For those BARBRI international students who completed 80% or more of the Personal Study Plan, 76% of them passed the bar exam.

Our partnership with BARBRI offers students the opportunity to study American law and acquire the necessary credentials to make global practice a reality. BARBRI’s International Bar Preparation Program is designed with adaptability in mind; more specifically, it’s designed to help non-U.S. and qualified lawyers pass the U.S.’ most difficult bar examination.

Kosten und Finanzierung

Tuition fees

LLM in International Business Law (€)
Executive LL.M. (€)
Master in Global Corporate Compliance (Part-Time) (€)
Master in Global Corporate Compliance (Full-Time) (€)
Master in LegalTech (€)


Cost of living (€)

Cost of living in Madrid, for accommodation, food, study material and leisure activities range from 1.200 € to 2.000 € per month (e.g. 800 € housing and expenses; 300 € groceries and leisure; 50 € monthly pass -metro and bus-; 80 € mobile phone and internet; 40 € medical insurance for those students who need private medical insurance).

Grants & Scholarships

IE offers a wide variety of loans, grants and scholarships, which are granted by the Financial Aid Department. Thousands of students come to Financial Aid to meet their financing needs in a customized way every year.


Admission Requirement

Selecting students for Master’s Degree programs is one of IE’s most important activities. The IE Admissions Department’s mission is to provide the best student selection service in the world, bringing together extremely diverse groups of participants that contribute their knowledge, skills and spirit of change not only to improve their careers, but also to make the world a sustainable place to live.

How to apply

Here, candidates should complete the sections that appear in the online application form and must also upload the following documents:

  • Bachelor degree from an accredited university (*)
  • Official university transcripts (certified translation into English or Spanish)
  • 1 page CV/Resume
  • 1 essay
  • 2 letters of recommendation
  • English language certificate – for non-Native English speakers: we accept the TOEFL (minimum score of 100), the IELTS (minimum score of 7) or a Cambridge Advanced or Proficiency level. A certificate is not required if you completed an undergraduate degree in English. If you take the TOEFL or the IELTS, your English exam is valid for two years, from the date you took the exam
  • Photocopy of current passport
  • Passport size picture
  • Application fee: 125€ or 175€ in case of applying to 2 programs (fee is not refundable)

*Possible additional legalization and/or translation requirements might be applicable. Please click here for more info.

Online assessment
Once you have submitted your online application and paid the application fee, you will receive a link to answer three live questions, two in video format and one in written format. This way, our admissions team will be able to meet you virtually and evaluate your capacity to respond in real time.

Entrance exam
Students are required to take either the GMAT, LSAT or ieGAT

Personal interview
You will have a personal interview (face-to-face or via Skype) with an Associate Director of the Admissions Team.

Final decision


Student facts

87% international students for our international programs.

International students

Diverse nationalities, cultures and ideas.

Study location

C/ María de Molina, 13 28006 MADRID, located at the heart of the city.


No, there is no possibility of living in our campus in Madrid but Students services department offers housing solutions for those students who need assistance with this matter.

Club & Society

Our current and former students at IE, proactive by nature, have started over 200 clubs in both Madrid and abroad and they organize countless regional and cross-sectorial events.
The IE experience is much more than just an academic experience. We want you to enjoy your time and take advantage of all the opportunities which may arise around you. Our students have a wide range of cultural, social and sport activities, arranged by the students themselves with the support of the Campus Life Team.
Some examples of the clubs we have are: (i) Professional Clubs: IE entrepreneurship Club, IE Consulting Club, IE marketing Club; (ii) Social Clubs: IE Music Club, IE Drama Club, IE Photography Club; (iii) Geographic Clubs: IE Venezuela Club, IE Africa Club, IE Japan Club, IE German Club; (iv) Sports Clubs: IE Football Club, IE Yoga Club, IE Basketball Club, IE Running Club

Leisure activities

Madrid has three of the most important art museums in the world: El Prado, with 4,000 works of art including works by Botticelli, El Bosco, Velázquez and Goya; Thyssen Bornemisza, with works by Renoir and Van Eyck; and Reina Sofía, with over 20,000 works from the 20th century, including the famous Guernica painting by Picasso.
Madrid is internationally renowned for its old cafés, bars and restaurants. It has one social venue per 132 people: there are so many places to go!
El Retiro is one of the largest parks in Madrid. It is filled with beautiful sculptures, monuments, galleries, a peaceful lake and host a variety of events every year.

Support for parents/disabled/people

IE is committed to equal opportunities without discrimination based on color, ancestry, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age, nationality, marital status or disability.


IE promotes diversity to ensure a unique experience, enriched by the contributions of students from around the world.
Freedom and respect for diversity are inalienable values of our identity.
Students, graduates and professors from more than 160 countries nurture an ecosystem rich in visions and ideas.

Ratio female/male students


Average age

25 years