Institute for Law and Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

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Institute for Law and Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Über Institute for Law and Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Optimize your career prospects with our LL.M. Finance Program, a prestigious one-year full-time postgraduate degree conducted entirely in English. Ideal for graduates holding a degree in law, business, or economics from a recognized university, this program is tailored for individuals with excellent academic records. Our selective admission process welcomes around 50 students annually, ensuring a personalized educational experience with direct access to our expert faculty.

Our innovative curriculum breaks the conventional barriers between law and business/economics. It offers a comprehensive blend of both fields, with a special focus on their interplay. This international program boasts a diverse curriculum, globally-renowned faculty, and a multicultural student body. You will gain theoretical knowledge and practical insights essential for navigating the complex demands of banks, corporations, international law firms, accounting and auditing firms, the European Central Bank, and Germany's Bundesbank. This is made possible by our faculty, comprising leading professionals from law, banking, central banking, and financial regulation.

A key highlight of the LL.M. Finance degree is the opportunity to engage in a 7 to 8-week internship with one of the ILF's esteemed sponsors. These internships span a wide range of sectors, including finance, regulation, central banking, international law, and accounting. This experience not only enhances your practical skills but also connects you with influential networks in the industry, paving the way for a successful career in finance.

Working professionals need not take a break from their careers as our flexible LL.M. Finance Program offers a part-time option, allowing you to complete the course over a period of two years. This program is your gateway to mastering the dynamic intersection of international law and global finance, a sector of growing significance in today's economy.

Join our LL.M. Finance Program and take the first step towards mastering the intricacies of finance, law, and regulations, setting yourself apart in the global financial landscape!


  • Bank- und Finanzrecht
  • Gesellschaftsrecht/Corporate und M&A
  • Handelsrecht
  • Insolvenzrecht und Restrukturierungen
  • Internationales Recht
  • Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Steuerrecht
  • Wirtschaft & Business


  • Teilzeit
  • Vollzeit


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Frau Jennifer Schmid
Admissions and Recruitment Manager



Number of professors


Number of students

The ILF student body comprises a distinguished and intellectually curious group of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Annually, we welcome students from over 22 countries, many of whom have studied at some of the world's premier universities.

Our institution places a high value on diversity and varied perspectives, recognizing their crucial role in enriching the educational experience from the outset.

During their tenure at the ILF, students gain not just professional knowledge and experience but also forge strong and enduring connections with their peers. The class size is intentionally capped at around 50 students, fostering an environment where building friendships is natural and easy.

Professor-student ratio


The ILF has a large faculty consisting of leading academics and practitioners and a small student body, which ensures an intensive learning experience as well as academic excellence through direct, personal contact between students and the faculty.

Sehr geringSehr hoch


In July 2021 the LL.M. Finance program was officially re-accredited until 2029 via the Goethe University System Accreditation process.  

ILF Faculty Members

See Faculty Members comprising renowned professors and professional experts.

What sets our program apart is the unique blend of academic rigor and real-world experience. Our faculty comprises esteemed academics and industry leaders in law, banking, central banking, and financial regulation. This fusion of academic excellence and practical expertise ensures that our students are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the finance world.


ILF Alumni - See what they say and where they are now!

See Alumni Testimonials and Alumni Stories.

Graduates of our program have successfully secured positions in European and globally-established law firms, international corporations, as well as in national governments and administrative bodies.

An Insight into the ILF


Degree to be obtained - Masters of Laws (LL.M.) in Finance

Elevate your expertise with our LL.M. Finance Program, meticulously designed to impart a comprehensive understanding of both theoretical concepts and practical applications in the finance sector. Our curriculum is expertly crafted to meet the specialized needs of professionals in various domains, including banks, corporations, international law firms, accounting and auditing firms, as well as prestigious institutions like the European Central Bank, Germany's Bundesbank, and Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

See Description of Courses.

Practical relevance

Optimize your career prospects with our LL.M. Finance Program, a prestigious one-year postgraduate degree conducted entirely in English. Ideal for graduates holding a degree in law, business, or economics from a recognized university, this program is tailored for individuals with excellent academic records. Our selective admission process welcomes around 50 students annually, ensuring a personalized educational experience with direct access to our expert faculty.

Our innovative curriculum breaks the conventional barriers between law and business/economics. It offers a comprehensive blend of both fields, with a special focus on their interplay. This international program boasts a diverse curriculum, globally-renowned faculty, and a multicultural student body. You will gain theoretical knowledge and practical insights essential for navigating the complex demands of banks, corporations, international law firms, accounting and auditing firms, the European Central Bank, and Germany's Bundesbank. This is made possible by our faculty, comprising leading professionals from law, banking, central banking, and financial regulation.

A key highlight of the LL.M. Finance degree is the opportunity to engage in a 7 to 8-week internship with one of the ILF's esteemed sponsors. These internships span a wide range of sectors, including finance, regulation, central banking, international law, and accounting. This experience not only enhances your practical skills but also connects you with influential networks in the industry, paving the way for a successful career in finance.

Working professionals need not pause their careers; our flexible LL.M. Finance Program also offers a part-time option, allowing you to complete the course over two years. This program is your gateway to mastering the dynamic intersection of international law and global finance, a sector of growing significance in today's economy.

Join our LL.M. Finance Program and take the first step towards mastering the intricacies of finance, law, and regulation, setting yourself apart in the global financial landscape.

Student profile

The LL.M. Finance program is tailored for individuals who have completed an undergraduate degree in law, business, or economics from an accredited or recognized university. If you hold a degree in any of these fields and have demonstrated exceptional academic performance, we encourage you to apply and join our distinguished program.

The Institute for Law and Finance enhances student experiences with exclusive access to Alumni Roundtables, enabling future professionals to network with their peers. Our comprehensive offerings include diverse conferences, receptions with sponsors and lecturers, German language courses, and employer roundtables. Students can also engage with our insightful podcast series.

We organize educational excursions to prominent European cities such as Berlin, Munich, or Luxembourg, connecting students with top-tier law firms. Additionally, our meet & greet events provide a unique platform for students to interact and build networks with successful alumni, fostering invaluable professional relationships.

Semester break

Our program includes a Christmas break lasting about 2 to 3 weeks and a semester break from mid-February to mid-April.

During the semester period or in the summer, our students are required to complete a 7 to 8 week internship, a crucial and mandatory part of the program, offering valuable real-world experience in their field of study.

Summer term

Start: April
Duration: 4 months

Winter term

Start: October
Duration: 5 months

Kosten und Finanzierung

Info on tuition fees


The tuition fee of the LL.M. Finance program in 2025/26 is set at € 23,000 (full-time) and €27,000 (part-time). This fee, to be paid in instalments, covers tuition, the use of the ILF facilities, the use of the facilities at the Goethe University Frankfurt, the conferment of the degree upon the successful completion of the program requirements, transcripts, degree certificates as well as selected extracurricular activities. It does not cover the costs of living (i.e. board and lodging), health insurance, teaching materials or computer consumables.


Rebates, Grants & Scholarships

1. Reduction of Tuition Fees

A. Early Bird Rebate

Applications* submitted by 1 February will receive an early bird rebate of 2,500 EUR.

B. Early Acceptance Rebate (in addition to Early Bird Rebate, where applicable)

Applicants accepting the offer of admission and making the first 10 % payment by 1 April (for applications* submitted by 1 February) or by 1 June (for applications* submitted by 15 April) will receive an early acceptance rebate of 2,500 EUR.

C. Rebate for EU Citizens

Applicants with EU citizenship will receive a 3,000 EUR rebate on the tuition fees.

* Applications submitted to the ILF must be complete ie. with all supporting documents in order to qualify for the applicable rebates. Incomplete applications are not processed and therefore will not qualify for such rebates.

2. Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is available in the form of an ILF scholarship that covers part of the tuition fee subject to the submission of an application pertaining to the grant and a candidate's eligibility.

Cost of living

Overall personal living expenses vary depending on the cost of accommodation and other personal choices.
An estimate of at least 1.000 € per month for general living expenses is a realistic calculation for the Frankfurt area.


Application deadline

Applications will be considered on a “rolling basis”. Consideration of completed applications will begin in November and candidates will generally be informed of the results of their applications within 6 weeks of receipt of the completed application by the ILF. No application fee is required.

Admission Requirement

Applicants with an undergraduate degree in law, business or economics may apply to join the LL.M. Finance program.

Course Page

If you would like additional information on the courses you can find it under: Program Highlights.

How to apply

Please click on the appropriate links to

  • fill out, print and sign the application form and upload;
  • upload the other required documents; and
  • if applicable, fill out an application for an ILF Scholarship (financial need-based). Any application for financial aid must be made at the same time as the application for admission. Subsequent applications for financial aid will not be considered. Documents supporting the application for financial aid may follow the application itself.

(a) Complete and sign Application Form
and upload via (b). Please ensure that you use a current Adobe reader (which can be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe website) to fill out the application form.

(b) Upload Documents
If you do not have a document pertaining to class rank or your English proficiency results as yet, you may submit a statement stating when the documents will be available, or in the case of English proficiency results, that you are a native English speaker.

(c) Submit Application Form for ILF Scholarship (Financial Need-Based)
if applicable, fill out and submit the application for an ILF Scholarship together with your admission application. Please note that any application for financial aid must be made simultaneously with the admission application. Applications for financial aid submitted later will not be considered. Supporting documents for financial aid can be sent following the initial application.               


Paper Applications

Paper applications should be sent to:

Goethe University Frankfurt
Campus Westend, House of Finance
Institute for Law and Finance 

Attn: Ms. Jennifer Schmid

Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 3
D-60629 Frankfurt am Main


Student facts

The ILF student body comprises a distinguished and intellectually curious group of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Annually, we welcome students from over 20 countries, many of whom have studied at some of the world's premier universities.

Our institution places a high value on diversity and varied perspectives, recognizing their crucial role in enriching the educational experience from the outset.

During their tenure at the ILF, students gain not just professional knowledge and experience but also forge strong, enduring connections with their peers. The class size is intentionally capped at around 50 students, fostering an environment where building friendships is natural and easy.

International students

  • Asia (28%)
  • Eastern Europe (27%)
  • Western Europe (18%)
  • America (15%)
  • Germany (8%)
  • Africa (3%)

Study location - Frankfurt am Main, Germany

As home to the European Central Bank and a renowned financial hub, Frankfurt offers a unique blend of professional opportunities and a vibrant city life. Located along the scenic Main River, the city is perfect for leisure and fun activities, providing the lively atmosphere of a major metropolis. This dynamic setting makes it an ideal place for students who seek both academic excellence and an exciting urban experience.

The Institute for Law and Finance, a constituent of the prestigious Goethe University, boasts a unique advantage. It combines the intimate, family-like atmosphere of a small institute with the extensive network and robust infrastructure of a large university. (Students benefit from complimentary public transportation and free entry to museums, alongside reduced meal costs in four cafeterias on campus, enhancing their academic and cultural experience in a cost-effective manner.)

Community life at the ILF is further enriched by the House of Finance. Accessible 24/7, it serves as a hub for study in the study rooms, research in the library, socializing in the cafe, or simply relaxing in the lounge. This setting, coupled with the diverse student mix, creates a stimulating and congenial international community. Students actively engage in organizing a variety of social and cultural activities, enhancing their collective experience.


There are several accommodation options available to students in the Frankfurt area.
The ILF offers a limited number of dormitory rooms owned by the university’s student services. Since the demand for these rooms is usually greater than the number of rooms available, they are reserved to students from abroad and allocated by lottery. Students interested in one of these rooms should let us know that they wish to enter the allocation lottery.

Other options include student housing facilities offered by various church organizations and other non-profit housing facilities. We recommend strongly that students contact such organizations as soon as they receive notice of acceptance to the program, as these rooms are also very sought after. The ILF is able to provide a list of these organizations and further information to help you find private accommodation in Frankfurt.

Who are our students?

The ILF student body is small, but nationally diverse. Our students have studied at some of the finest universities from over 20 countries and represent all continents in the world. The mix of cultural and educational backgrounds makes for a lively exchange of ideas and a stimulating student life. During their time at the ILF, our students not only gain professional knowledge and experience, but also form close and long-lasting bonds with many of their classmates. Due to the limit on class size of about 50 students, making friends is easy.

Community life is facilitated by the House of Finance, which is open around the clock for study, research, meeting friends, or just reading newspapers in the lounge. ILF students are able to take advantage of a stimulating and friendly international community, offered by this unique combination of students who come together and organize numerous social and cultural activities amongst themselves. In addition, the ILF organizes extra-curricular events such as visits, excursions, receptions with sponsors and lecturers, a Christmas party and the Graduation Event.

Ratio female/male students



Average age