Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL)

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Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL)

Über Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL)

International studies in law and beyond“

Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) is a specialised law school located in Riga, Latvia. RGSL offers interdisciplinary bachelor and masters programmes in law, allowing engaged and curious students to combine their law studies with courses in business, international relations, finance and diplomacy. 

Founded in 1998, RGSL’s mission is to equip students with a strong, internationally-focused education within the context of a constantly-changing, interconnected world.

RGSL offers Masters programmes in international public and private law subjects including European law, human rights, transborder commercial law, EU policy, finance and technology. It also offers two interdisciplinary Bachelor programmes in which law is studied in combination with business management and international relations. 


  • Bank- und Finanzrecht
  • Compliance
  • Datenschutzrecht
  • Europarecht
  • Gesellschaftsrecht/Corporate und M&A
  • Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Geistiges Eigentum (IP)
  • Handelsrecht
  • Informationstechnologie (IT)
  • Insolvenzrecht und Restrukturierungen
  • Internationales Recht
  • Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Kartellrecht und Außenhandel
  • Legal Tech
  • Litigation und Arbitration
  • Marken- und Wettbewerbsrecht
  • Öffentliches Recht
  • Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Patentrecht
  • Politik
  • Steuerrecht
  • Urheber- und Medienrecht
  • Verfassungsrecht
  • Vertragsrecht
  • Völkerrecht
  • Wirtschaft & Business
  • Zivilprozessrecht


  • Teilzeit
  • Vollzeit


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Frau Ilze Arklina
Head of Marketing and communications at Riga Graduate School of Law


International studies in law and beyond

Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) is a specialised law school located in Riga, Latvia. RGSL offers interdisciplinary bachelor and masters programmes in law, allowing engaged and curious students to combine their law studies with courses in business, international relations, finance and diplomacy. 

Number of professors

Full time
Visiting Professors


Number of students

Staff-student ratio

Sehr geringSehr hoch


Contact our Study Department

Renowned professors




One year masters programs consists of 60 ECTS of theoretical study with an interaction between law and finance disciplines emphasised within each course track with 30 ECTS devoted to a thesis. 


Three year Bachelor programs comprise 183 ECTS credit points. They are based on mandatory and elective courses as well as optional language courses. Up to three courses can be taken simultaneously.

Each course lasts six weeks with five class hours per week, plus research work on assignments and preparation for classes.

Each course concludes with an exam, while the programs conclude with a thesis.

Masters Programs

Our specialized Masters programs offer advanced, research-based education in law, business, policy and finance. Executive-style schedules allow ambitious students and professionals to accommodate work and studies. RGSL’s internationally recognized Master’s degrees prepare students for successful careers in a variety of industry sectors, as well as public institutions and academia. Find the Masters Program brochure here.

Bachelor Programs

Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) is a leading law school in the Baltic region offering interdisciplinary Bachelor  studies in law combined with business, international relations, finance and policy. Founded in 1998, the goal of RGSL is to provide strong international, academic education within the context of an ever-changing and interconnected world. Find the Bachelors Program Brochure here.

Program types

Full time

Part time

Kosten und Finanzierung


Annual cost of the LL.B. programmes

The tuition for Law&Business and Law&Diplomacy Bachelor programmes is 4100 EUR per year

Early Application Discount

All applicants – local and foreign – applying for the Bachelor and Masters studies by the Early Application Deadline - 15 April 2024 - receive a 10% discount on the study fee for the first academic year.

The general Application deadline for the academic year 2024/2025 is 22 July 2024.

One-year Masters Programmes fees 2023/2024 academic year

International and European Law (academic)

  • Full time: 5 500 EUR
  • Part time: 7100 EUR

Public International Law and Human Rights 5 500 7 100

  • Full time: 5 500 EUR
  • Part time: 7 100 EUR

Transborder Commercial Law

  • Full time: 5 500 EUR
  • Part time: 7 100 EUR

European Union Law and Policy

  • Full time: 5 500 EUR
  • Part time: 7 100 EUR

Law and Finance 6 500 10 000

  • Full time: 6 500 EUR
  • Part time: 10 000 EUR

Technology Law

  • Full time: 6 500 EUR
  • Part time: 10 000 EUR

Latvian state scholarships for foreign students

In accordance with bilateral agreements on co-operation in education and science signed between Latvian government and several countries, Latvia offers scholarships to foreign students from 40 countries for studies in Latvian higher education institutions. Applications for the year 2024/2025 will be open from February to April. More information here.


Application deadline

We accept early bird applications by 15 April 2024 and students can avail 10% off on their first year study fees.

The deadline for applications for the academic year is 22 July 2024.

Admission Requirements

Masters programmes

  • All masters programmes are available to students who have completed a bachelor, masters or equivalent degree in law or a related field (on the condition that basic knowledge of law and corresponding work experience can be demonstrated).
  • For students with a three-year bachelor degree, options are limited to the two-year masters programmes.
  • English language proficiency: IELTS 6+, TOEFL IBT 80+ or TOEFL paper based test 550+.

Bachelor programs

  • The average grade in diploma supplement corresponding to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) level of C or higher;
  • Proficiency in English confirming at least level B2 or higher in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR):
    • IELTS Academic Test (not older than 2 years) - the required score is at least 6.0;
    • TOEFL (not older than 2 years) - the required score is at least 550 points (for a computer test - 213; Internet based test - 80);
    • Applicants who have acquired previous education in English or are native English speakers are exempted from taking Proficiency tests in English.
    • Applicant is also exempted from Proficiency tests in English if he/she has completed secondary education in a European Union, European Economic Area country or the Swiss Confederation and his/her secondary education certificate includes English proficiency assessment that equals to B2 (or higher) level of the Common European Framework of Reference. 


Rules of Admission LL.M.

Find our current rules of admissions for Master programms here.

Rules of Admission LL.B.

Find our current Rules of Admission for Bachelor programs here.

Contact person

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Director of the Masters Programmes:



Student facts

Student life

The dynamic academic atmosphere at RGSL is bolstered by an equally exciting student life, as extracurricular and social activities provide balance to intensive studies. Guest lecturers provide fresh perspectives to traditional study work while Student Association activities offer opportunities to develop relationships outside the classroom.

RGSL provides full support in helping students find relevant internships and networking opportunities.

Richard David Egozov, Germany

"I chose to study at RGSL because of the international community and all the benefits that come from it. Another important point was that at RGSL you feel likea part of RGSL family instead of being just a student, and that was very appealing to me."

Katariina Komulainen, Finland

“Studies at RGSL are extremely student orientated. In Finland, the emphasis is on conservative and subject-based teaching and learning whereas RGSL has adopted agile and continuous improvement in their core functions that enable the student satisfaction to be high at a constant rate.”

Moritz Wagner, Germany

"The insight into EU and international law gained at RGSL provided a basis for the flexibility necessary to dive into other legal systems really quickly, and made me feel comfortable working in legal systems outside that of my country of qualification as a lawyer."

Academic platform, projects and research

Every year, RGSL hosts a wide range of events with distinguished guests from academia, government, legal practice, industry, regulatory authorities, NGOs and the judiciary, where the students are invited to participate and benefit from the high-level content for their research purposes and networking opportunities.

Since 2019 RGSL publishes the internationally recognized “Baltic Yearbook of International Law”.

Annual RGSL International Students’ Research Paper Conference has become a great platform for law students to present their research and engage in academic discussions with peers.

RGSL Summer School on International and European law under the scientific leadership of Judge of the European Court of Justice and RGSL Professor Ineta Ziemele has become a place where students and law professionals can get the latest insights on international case law.

Law Library

Research at RGSL is supported by the RGSL Law Library which is a popular place for students, faculty and visitors alike. Located on the top floor of the university, with stunning views across Art Nouveau Riga, it offers the top collection of legal literature in the Baltics and Northern Europe.

The library is open to students from RGSL and other universities, teaching staff, and the public. In addition to students, an increasing number of professionals make extensive use of the library, with its impressive collection of law books, legal journals, plus access to valuable legal and multidisciplinary databases such as Westlaw, HeinOnline, and resources from the Kluwer Law and Oxford University Press, and others.

Workspaces in the library are available for all students. It has a modern study environment and a rooftop terrace, which is especially good for taking study breaks or simply some fresh air.

Alumni network

The geography of RGSL alumni reaches 51 countries of the world. Most of them are from Latvia, but we also have graduates from Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Netherlands, the United States, etc.

More than half of our graduates are working in different areas of the private sector. Among the employers are the largest Baltic law firms such as Sorainen, Ellex Klavins, Deloitte, Klotini Sergis, as well as banks and international companies, such as Swedbank, PWC, Ernst & Young and others.

The public sector – ministries, parliaments, government agencies and courts – is the second biggest employer of RGSL graduates. This includes both Latvian and European institutions such as the European Commission, the European Court of Justice and the European Parliament.

Quite often, our former students continue their relationship with RGSL as employees or lecturers.

Mārcis Reveliņš, RGSL Law and Finance graduate, 2021.

“We came here to learn from distinguished professors and lecturers, to study together with passionate professionals from various fields, to challenge ourselves, to push our abilities and to advance our careers. And despite these extraordinary times we had to endure, RGSL still managed to deliver on every single one of these aspects. Locals among us can be grateful to RGSL because we have access to international, great quality education right here in Riga. And the international students among us, I’m sure you have embraced Riga as your second home and that the culture of RGSL has played a significant role in this.”