The University of Law

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The University of Law

Über The University of Law

Our innovative law courses are designed and taught by lawyers with real commercial experience and have a strong emphasis on building the practical skills that employers are looking for. We offer flexibility to suit your needs: choose to study on campus or online with a choice of full-time and part-time options.


  • Allgemeines Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Auslandsbeziehungen
  • Gesellschaftsrecht/Corporate und M&A
  • Internationales Recht
  • Mediation
  • Medizinrecht
  • Menschenrechtsgesetz
  • Rechtsvergleichung


  • Teilzeit
  • Vollzeit


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The Universityof Law
Divers The University of Law



contracted Tutors who taught sessions in 2019/20

The number goes up to 546 if visiting tutors are also added.


Number of students


  • LLM Corporate Governance GradCG programme is accredited by The Chartered Governance Institute (CGI)
  • Business programmes accredited by The Chartered Management Institute (CMI)

Ranking and Awards

  • We do not currently feature in the rankings as we are a specialist and a private institution.
  • We have been awarded Silver in the Teaching Excellence Framework for our teaching, learning and outcomes.
  • We have been voted in the top 10 for 5 categories in the 2019 National Student Survey.

Notable Alumni


Degree to be obtained

  • LLM Company Law
  • LLM Corporate Governance
  • LLM Corporate Governance Grad ICSA
  • LLM International Business Law
  • LLM International Corporate Governance
  • LLM International Human Rights
  • LLM Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • LLM Medical Law and Ethics
  • Master of Law (General)

Winter / Summer semester

Winter term

16 September 2019

  • Full time: 12 months
  • Part time online: 24 months

Summer term

6 January 2020

  • Full time: 12 months
  • Part time online: 24 months

Practical relevance

  • Taught by subject matter experts. Across all of our academic Master’s Programmes in Law, you will be taught by a combination of former and current practitioners and research and teaching focused academics.
  • Focus on legal practice, not just theory. We are committed to teaching the law in context, so that you understand the importance of legal rules as they are applied in the real world.
  • Benefit from strategic partnerships with firms, regulators and accreditation bodies which inform our programme development.
  • Learn about Legal Technology. As a result of the embedded flexibility of the Master’s Programmes in Law, you can select to study modules in legal technology, gaining insight into this emerging area.
  • Improve your employability. Gain those all important transferable skills and benefit from clear career mapping with our careers team.

Student profile

LLMs from our Masters’ in Law suite of programmes are designed for law graduates who want to explore the practical application of a particular, specialist area of law.

Semesters and Semester

Full-time Blended learning (Face to face)

  • The course is delivered one year, divided into three terms.
  • Each taught module is delivered over ten teaching weeks, with two hour workshops each week.
  • The dissertation is undertaken in Term 3.


  • The full-time option is divided into three terms over one years. The part-time option is divided over 6 terms in two years.
  • Each taught module is delivered over ten teaching weeks, with two hour workshops each week.
  • The dissertation is undertaken in either Term 3 (full-time) or Terms 5 and 6 (part-time).


September and January

Language of instruction


Kosten und Finanzierung

Tution fees

Location (UK/EEA) £
Location (International) £
Online (UK/EEA/International) £

Cost of living

The cost of living highly depends on the campus you study at.

Rent per week in London £
up to 205 per week in locations outside of London £

Grants and Scholarships

Visit our scholarships and bursaries page for more information on eligibility.

Choose Law Award

Choose Law Runner Up Awards

Lord Blunkett Widening Access Award

You could also be eligible for a Postgraduate Student Loan


Application deadline

Applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis and offers will be made until the courses are full. We advise to make the application as soon as possible, by August for September intake and by December for January.

Admission Requirement

Students should possess a UK undergraduate degree in any subject at 2:2 or above, or an equivalent qualification.

A compulsory two week induction is required for all students, unless they can evidence the successful completion of either:

an LLB or equivalent; or

a minimum of 3 legal modules, worth at least 80 QCFcredits that must include;

  • English Legal System
  • Contract Law
  • Law of Tort

An English language level equivalent to IELTS 6.5 or above, with a minimum of 6.0 in each component.


Find a detailed description about the courses we offer on our homepage.

How to apply

Applications are submitted directly to the University by submittng a form on the website.

  • Academic documents (degree certificate, transcript)
  • Language certificate, unless previously studied at university in the UK
  • Personal statement
  • References (at least two)


International students

  • Cyprus
  • France
  • Germany
  • Malaysia
  • Canada
  • Pakistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Ghana

Study location

  • London
  • Birmingham
  • Bristol
  • Leeds
  • Manachester
  • Chester
  • Nottingham
  • Guilford
  • Hong Kong


No living on Campus but we have agreements with local student accommodation providers. An online accommodation portal is available for students.

Club & Society

The Student Association at ULAW can help you set up and run societies and clubs. We’re very keen to ensure as many students as possible get involved, across many of our campuses we have an array of clubs and societies, from football and netball to a cocktail club and Brexit society. We have a dedicated Clubs, Societies and Events Officer who can support you in developing your society. For any questions or comments please E-Mail.

On each campus a Student Association Activities Committee headed by your Vice-President, along with Student Services, will be planning a series of events throughout the year.

Leisure activities

Click here for information about leisure activities and student life.

Support for parents & disabled people

Click here for information about support for parents & disabled people.

Alumni community

We have a global community of over 71,000 alumni from over 103 countries.

Average age of LL.M. students
