University of Edinburgh, School of Law

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University of Edinburgh, School of Law

Über University of Edinburgh, School of Law

established in 1707 and at the heart of legal education and research for over 300 years.“

Edinburgh Law School has been educating and training some of the world's finest legal minds for more than 300 years. We are a fully comprehensive law school that effects civic change both locally and globally.

Based at the heart of the city in the historic Old College, we are a world-leading law school shaped over many centuries by our values and beliefs, commitment to excellence, and the passion and achievements of our staff, students, and alumni.

We are ranked 11th in the world for law (Times Higher Education World University Rankings: Law 2022) and offer a wide range of LLM and MSc programs both on campus and by online learning.

Studying in Scotland's capital, you will be at the heart of Edinburgh's legal centre, with the nighest courts in Scotland a five-minute walk away. You will also benefit from access to some of the best academic law material in Europe.


  • Allgemeines Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Bank- und Finanzrecht
  • Datenschutzrecht
  • Europarecht
  • Gesellschaftsrecht/Corporate und M&A
  • Gesundheitsrecht
  • Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Geistiges Eigentum (IP)
  • Handelsrecht
  • Informationstechnologie (IT)
  • Innovation und Unternehmertum
  • Internationales Recht
  • Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Legal Tech
  • Medizinrecht
  • Menschenrechtsgesetz
  • Öffentliches Recht
  • Rechtsvergleichung
  • Strafrecht
  • Umweltrecht
  • Völkerrecht


  • Fernstudium
  • Teilzeit
  • Vollzeit


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Toby Beveridge
Herr Toby Beveridge
Student Recruitment Manager



Academic staff

Academic staff teaching on our programmes are leading experts in their fields.

Find out more about our staff


On-campus masters students

We have an incredibly diverse and welcoming postgraduate student community from over 50 different countries around the world.

Online learning masters students

The innovative nature of our programmes and their online delivery have enabled us to attract students from all over the world, at all stages of life, from policy making, professional practice, business, and industry.

Staff-student ratio

The majority of courses will be taught in small group seminars.

Class sizes will vary but do not generally exceed more than 25 - 30 students.

Sehr geringSehr hoch


A world top-20 University and Law School

  • Ranked 16th in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings: Law 2025
  • Ranked 20th in the QS World University Rankings 2024: Law and Legal Studies
  • Ranked 7th in QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2025

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Find out more about the University of Edinburgh and the city of Edinburgh


Program types

  • Full time
  • Part time

Masters degrees

On-campus masters degrees

  • LLM in Commercial Law
  • LLM in Comparative Private Law
  • LLM in Corporate Law
  • LLM in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
  • MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • LLM in European Law
  • MSc in Global Crime, Justice and Security
  • LLM in Global Environment and Climate Change Law
  • LLM in Human Rights
  • LLM in Innovation, Technology and the Law
  • LLM in Intellectual Property Law
  • LLM in International Banking Law and Finance
  • LLM in International Economic Law
  • LLM in International Law
  • LLM in Law
  • LLM in Medical Law and Ethics

Find out more about our on-campus masters programs

Online masters degrees

  • LLM in Information Technology Law
  • LLM in Innovation, Technology and the Law
  • LLM in International Commercial Law and Practice
  • LLM in Law
  • LLM in Medical Law and Ethics

Find out more about our online LLM programs


To be awarded an LLM or MSc you must successfully complete 120 credits of courses and a 60 credit, 10,000 word dissertation of your chosen study duration.

On-campus study

  • Full time: 1 year
  • Part time: 2 years (visa restrictions apply)

Online study

  • Full time: 1 year
  • Part time: 20, 24, 32 or 36 months

120 credits of taught credits

60 credits dissertation

10,000 word dissertation

Academic year

Semester 1

  • Start: September
  • Duration: 10 teaching weeks with a one-week mid-semester break

Semester 2

  • Start: January
  • Duration: 10 teaching weeks with a one-week mid-semester break


  • Start: April
  • End: August

The dissertation is completed in the final year of study after and contingent on successful completion of the taught component.

Kosten und Finanzierung

Tuition fees

Fees below are for the 2022-23 academic year.

Full time tuition fee (UK)

On campus programs.

Costs is in Punds Sterling

Full time tuition fee (International/EU)

On campus programs.

Cost is in Pounds Sterling.

Full time tuition fee

Online LLM

Cost is in Pounds Sterling

Scholarships and funding

The University of Edinburgh offers a 30% reduction in tuition fees for up to 12 DAAD-funded masters students.

Full details are available from the DAAD website

Visit DAAD website

The Law School and University also offer a range of scholarships and funding opportunties. 

Visit our website to find out more about scholarship and funding opportunities


How to apply

Application deadlines - on-campus programmes

We accept applications between October and the end of June for entry in September each year.

Due to high demand, the school operates a number of selection deadlines. We will make a small number of offers to the most outstanding candidates on an ongoing basis, but hold the majority of applications until the next published selection deadline when we will offer a proportion of the places available to applicants selected through a competitive process.

Please visit our website for details of individual programme deadlines

Application deadlines - online programmes

Our online programmes have start dates in September and January of each academic year. 

We recommend that you apply as early as possible; this is particularly important for applicants who may need to allow sufficient time to take an English language test.

Please visit our website for individual programme deadlines

Entry Requirements

Law degree

  • Minimum requirement of 2.5 bachelor degree classification.
  • Staatsexamen with a minimum final overall grade of 8

Meeting minimum requirements for consideration does not guarantee an offer of study.

English Language requirements

Students whose first language is not English must therefore show evidence of one of the following qualifications below:

  • IELTS Academic: total 7.0 (at least 7.0 in the writing component and 6.5 in each other module)
  • TOEFL-iBT (including Special Home Edition): total 100 (at least 25 in writing and 23 in each other module)
  • CAE and CPE: total 185 (at least 185 in writing and 176 in each other module)
  • Trinity ISE: ISE III with a pass in all four components
  • PTE Academic: 70 overall with at least 70 in the writing component and 62 in each other component.

Professional experience

  • Relevant work experience is not required but may increase your chances of acceptance.
  • Relevant professional qualifications will be considered.


The Law School

Edinburgh Law School is located in the historic Old College building. One of the oldest parts of the University of Edinburgh, it is situated just down the road from the Edinburgh Sheriff Court, on Chambers Street.

The interior of Old College was refurbished as part of a £35m project in 2019.

You will benefit from world-class teaching, study, and research facilities, including a purpose-built Moot Court room, 150 seat octagonal lecture theatre, and flexible study space in our dedicated Ken Mason Postgraduate Hub. There has also been extensive development of the Law Library, creating additional room for collections and more study spaces for students.

Find out more about Edinburgh Law School

Life in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Law School is situated in the heart of the city of Edinburgh just a few minutes' walk away from many of the city's famous attractions. Edinburgh is regularly voted as one of the most desirable places to live in the world and is home to around 100,000 students. Edinburgh is a unique historical city with a lot to offer no matter what your interests.

Edinburgh has a varied social scene with a wide range of bars, clubs, cinemas, and music venues throughout the city. It is also home to 12 major annual festivals including the Film Festival, International Festival, and the Fringe Festival.

Find out more about life in Edinburgh